Hi Steven,

>> In case it's relevant, the wireless network I have is issued by an 
>> Optus-provided-and-configured CVG824G v3. I wonder if it's not that this 
>> device, or the Optus configuration, which gives me all the grief.

Just reading this part of your email I would say it is very relevant. If your 
Time Capsule is one of the newer models that have Dual-Band, why haven’t you 
setup the Time Capsule as a Simultaneous Dual-Band 802.11n Wireless Network ... 
Turn wireless OFF on CVG824G v3 (which I think is a Netgear)?

Time Capsule operates simultaneously on both bands ( 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz ), and 
your multi-band devices automatically use the best available band.
This means all your Wi-Fi devices get the fastest possible wireless performance 
and the best possible range.


17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.7.2 Lion
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
On 07/11/2011, at 12:46 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

> Has anybody else experienced difficulty streaming music from iTunes 10.5 to 
> Airport Express and found a resolve?
> I'm not sure whether it's an iTunes issue or a more general 10.7.2 wireless 
> issue, but first time I've ever had an issue streaming to Airport Express.
> Airport Express has latest firmware. I start off with iTunes not being able 
> to see Airport Express as a speaker option. Upon restarting Airport Express, 
> iTunes could see it, but after selecting Airport Express as the speaker 
> option, iTunes tries to connect for 15 or 20 seconds, but fails.
> I then reset to factory the Airport Express, rejoined it to the network, and 
> it worked for a while. But having stopped streaming and coming back to do so 
> again after a few hours, no more Air Express in either iTunes as a speaker 
> option, nor visible via Airport Utility, despite Airport Express showing a 
> solid green light.
> I've also taken to hardwiring my Time Capsule to my MacBook Pro because 
> wireless backups have become troublesome too frequently, as in backups just 
> not taking hold or taking forever. This is a pain because I have an iMac 
> backing up to the TC as well, too far away to be hardwired.
> Something else I've had trouble with are the kids' MacBooks not being able to 
> see the network. I eventually resolved this by manually assigning IP 
> addresses on those MacBooks. 
> In case it's relevant, the wireless network I have is issued by an 
> Optus-provided-and-configured CVG824G v3. I wonder if it's not that this 
> device, or the Optus configuration, which gives me all the grief. But if it 
> issues a wireless network which I can satisfactorily access from, for 
> instance, the MBP I'm sending this message from, then why would it give me 
> grief when it comes to other functions operating over the network? Could too 
> many gadgets talking to the network be the problem? Apart from my MBP, 
> there's an iMac, a wireless HP All-In-One, an iPhone, potentially three Nokia 
> X5s, and a couple of MacBooks on an adhoc infrequent basis.
> I'm out of my league with this comment, but would manually assigning IPs to 
> all devices be a potential solution? I say it only on the back of seemingly 
> having solved the MacBook problems I used to have.
> Cheers, Steven

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