Well, thank you Perez. What a good dog you are. I hope your Mum gave you a
nice bone whilst she enjoyed her Bubbles!

I have added some thoughts comments below.

on 1/1/12 8:48 AM, Ronda Brown at ro...@mac.com wrote:

> Hi Neil,
> This is NOT Ronni replying, (as Ronni isn¹t allowed to or ŒDaniel
> Administrator¹ will unsubscribe her from the mailing list), I am Perez (a very
> smart Toy Poodle who has been well trained by 'Mum Ronni' in IT & Mac
> Support).
> Comments to your interesting concerns are added below.
> On 31/12/2011, at 8:09 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:
>> First off, if you are reading this BEFORE midnight... STEP AWAY FROM THE
>> COMPUTER (go & find the Champagne).
>> However, not heeding my own instructions, I'm posting this before the
>> Bubbles confuse me further...
>> OK, here's my problem (bear with me, it takes a little explaining):
>> I found a digitised book on The Internet Archive <www.archive.org> and
>> downloaded the pdf - no problems with that except that I found one page had
>> been mis-scanned and was unreadable.
>> THEN I found another copy of the SAME book (well same publication, scanned
>> by a different library) and downloaded that - only to find that it too had
>> one page that had been mis-scanned and was unreadable - however, it was a
>> different page.
>> Now each of these pdfs are around 4MB (one is 4.2 & the other 4.5) and
>> contain 130 pages - which include the front cover and some un-numbered
>> introductory leaves, then some numbered pages, then some un-numbered end
>> pages and the back cover.
>> On inspection of the original images, the page numbering obviously has the
>> Title page nominally as page 1 (though it is page 7 of the pdf) but only
>> includes the printed page numbers on pages 6 to 118.
>> When these files are viewed in Preview, with the sidebar showing thumbnails,
>> the creators of the pdfs have cleverly numbered the thumbnails to match the
>> actual printed page numbers - ie the first thumbnails are un-numbered but
>> the thumbnail numbering starts with pdf page 12, which happens to have
>> printed page number 6 and so its thumbnail is numbered 6 - this is a very
>> good thing and makes navigation much easier.
>> So far, so good - however I decided it was silly to keep 2 copies of the one
>> book just because of one problem page - why not delete the problem page from
>> one book and replace it with the OK page from the other book. This is easy
>> enough in Preview so I picked one book to be the master, deleted the problem
>> page and dragged the corresponding page from the sidebar of the other book.
>> At this point, everything looked fine - the Preview window now had the
>> complete book with all pages displaying correctly and the thumbnails
>> numbered correctly - until I saved the file! At which point, the save
>> operation was quite slow and two things happened:
>> 1. Preview renumbered all the thumbnails so that ALL the thumbnails were
>> numbered with the pdf page number, rather than the printed page number, as
>> before (so that the thumbnail for printed page 6 was now numbered 12)
> The Thumbnails are always numbered sequentially regardless of the document or
> the viewer, preview, Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.

Hmmm, whilst that has been my recollection before, the creators of these
pdfs have managed to change this behaviour. I will include some links to
screeenshots showing this, and to the original file, at the end of my reply.

> What is called the ToC (Table of Contents) or ŒBookmarks' in Adobe Acrobat  or
> Adobe Reader view reflects the proper page numbers.

I do not have Acrobat and I had not tried Adobe reader. However, I have now
viewed both the original and modified documents using Reader and find the
same behaviour as in Preview. There does not appear to be a ToC but setting
the navigation view to "Pages" shows the same thumbnails and numbering as
Preview does.

> In Preview App you have to be in thumbnail view to create a multipage pdf
> document so the thumbnail numbers end up being sequential starting at "1" or
> the first page stays at the file name and then the numbering continues at 2
> etc.
Yes, I used thumbnail view to delete the faulty page and insert the correct
page but (as per the screenshots listed below) the first 11 thumbnails were
un-numbered and the 12th thumbnail was numbered 6 (to match the printed
page) and the thumbnails were then numbered sequentially up to thumbnail no
118 which corresponded to printed page no 118 and pdf page 124. The
remaining 6 thumbnails (pdf pages 125 to 130) were un-numbered.

Removing the faulty page and inserting the good page from the other book did
not alter this numbering until I saved the file - at which point the
thumbnails were re-numbered to follow the more usual convention which you

> If you create a multipage document using preview and look at the ToC view, it
> will only show the name of the first page and no other pages.

> With Acrobat Reader the thumbnails are also just sequentially numbered except
> here the thumbnails are actually defined as "Rages" - to get the proper
> numbering of pages you need to look at the 'bookmark' view.
I am a little confused here - in my Adobe reader (version 9.4.2) I can see
no reference to "Bookmarks" or Bookmark view. However in "pages" view I see
the same numbering as in the Preview thumbnail view, ie correct numbering in
the original file and re-numbered after saving.

> With Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader, the bookmark view is the default, so
> things seem to be OK unless you switch views; with Preview, the thumbnail view
> is what we end up with because it's the only way to assemble a pdf, so we end
> up believing, falsely to some degree. that the numbers shown are page numbers.
Except that, as I say, the original file shows the "correct" thumbnail

> All very interesting and the above information and more can be found at these
> links:
> <http://www.ehmac.ca/archive/index.php/t-96524.html>
> <http://www.ehmac.ca/mac-ipod-help-troubleshooting/96524-assembling-different-
> size-pdf-documents-into-one-pdf-file.html>

Hmmm, these posters are agreeing with what you say Perez - thumbnails are
always numbered sequentially... What can I say, maybe I have a magic
computer or just downloaded some magic pdfs for Xmas ;o)

Now, I know you wouldn't dream of doubting my sanity - but there is nothing
like seeing for yourself so:

is the Internet archive page for the book, and
is the link to the original file. When I downloaded it, page 96 was faulty.

is a screenshot of this file opened in Preview, showing printed page 6 (pdf
page 12) and correctly numbered thumbnails.
is another screenshot of this file opened in Preview, in contact sheet view
- which clearly shows the numbering for the first 18 pages of the pdf.

I then saved the file in preview - which re-numbered the thumbnails and
<http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6660543/mod%20file%20thumbs.tiff> and
Show the same screenshots for the modified file - showing this re-numbering.

In case you are interested,
is the Internet archive page for the second copy of the book, and
is the link to the pdf file. When I downloaded it, page 97 was faulty.

Interestingly, I notice that the "faulty" page in both books display just
fine if you use the "Read online" link from the book page - so the problem
must be in the pdf creation rather than the original scanning (If you follow
the "All files" link you can even download the original documents scans -
all 70MB of them).

At this point, this is more an item of interest/curiosity than a problem
since, as I said in my reply to Carlo:
> I may end up just keeping both copies of the book - it feels "wrong" but I do
> get all pages in maximum image quality for less than 9MB in total ;o(

> See, my ŒMum Ronni¹ has trained me well I can use her MacBook Pro (a track pad
> is easier than a mouse) and search on Google.
> Oh, Ronni did tell me that she has Acrobat Pro 8 and it does do 'Page
> numbering of PDF' but does not think it will be able to do what you are
> wishing, but will try with Acrobat when she returns from her break.
That may be the case. When I look at the properties of the pdf it says:
PDF Producer: Recoded by LuraDocument PDF v2.28 - so this might be the
program that did the page number magic ;o)

> Cheers and Happy New Year from Perez

Cheers and Happy New Year to you too, Perez - and pass on to your "Mum

Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

>> 2. The file size increased from 4.2 MB to 610.6 MB!!
>> So, my question is;
>> How do I change-out this one problem page in the pdf without Preview:
>> 1. increasing the file size by a factor of 150 times
>> 2. Renumbering the thumbnails to reflect the pdf page number.
>> Or is this just beyond the ability of Preview?
>> It's not a MAJOR problem - I can always just  keep the original copies of
>> each book - it just seems a bit DUMB ;o)
>> Any ideas?
>> Cheers
>> Neil
>> -- 
>> Neil R. Houghton
>> Albany, Western Australia
>> Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
>> Email: n...@possumology.com

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