Hi Barry,

If iPhoto v8.1.2 is doing everything you want to do with your photos, upgrading 
is probably not worth it.
iPhoto v9 does have a lot of ‘New Features’ to iPhoto v8.

Have a look here for details of all the new features: 
Click on “What’s New in iPhoto” and then click on the ‘Read more’ sections.

It all depends if you want any of the new features.


On 23/02/2012, at 4:43 PM, Barry Sexstone wrote:

> G'Day Ronni
> While you are advising on iPhoto could you briefly advise me as to what 
> advantages there would be for me to upgrade to iLife 11 from 9, I am using v 
> 8.1.2.  I am not a great photo taker but occassionally zap off a few.  I 
> don't use some of the features in my version mainly only "keywords" so 
> perhaps upgrading would not offer much.
> Many Thanks
> Barry
> iMac 10,1
> Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz 
> 1.0 TB HD
> OS X 10.7.3
> On 23/02/2012, at 4:06 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>> Well done Diana,
>> I knew you could do it ;-) Print "save as PDF" any instructions I send, then 
>> you will have them to refer back to if required.
>> I won't post anything more on iPhoto until you have had time to absorb what 
>> I already have given you.
>> We don't want to overload you with information; we aim to please... Not to 
>> push ;-))
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> Sent from Ronni's iPad
>> On 23/02/2012, at 3:47 PM, Diana & Graham Stevens <diag...@iinet.net.au> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Ronni
>>> I haven't had time to do more with iPhoto but I am sure I shall be able to 
>>> manage with your excellent instructions.
>>> I have managed to master iTunes. I had fun and games with the Peggy Lee, 
>>> George Shearing Album. iTunes divided it into five, one had the original 
>>> cover (on both my LP & CD), two had the same photo but cropped differently, 
>>> one had an Archive Collection cover and the last was Generic iTunes. I 
>>> edited them to have the same artist description and ticked the 'part of 
>>> collection' box and got one album but not my preferred cover picture.
>>> Today Daniel delivered my Time Capsule and brought back the drives from my 
>>> dead G5. He showed me how to find the covers for the albums I had copied 
>>> from LPs using Spin Doctor. So then I changed the PL/GS album cover to my 
>>> preferred cover.
>>> I am very pleased with myself! Thanks again for your wonderful instructions.
>>> Best wishes from Diana
>>> On 21/02/2012, at 1:49 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>> Hello Diana,
>>>> Where do I start… I think perhaps in parts. You first need to understand a 
>>>> bit about iPhoto and iTunes.
>>>> PART ONE:  iPhoto:   Are you using iPhoto 9.2.1 (iLife’11)?
>>>> First you need to understand how iPhoto works. 
>>>> iPhoto '11 presents two ways to view your library: by Thumbnails of every 
>>>> photo or by ‘Events'.
>>>> What you have mentioned below is “Events”, so I will explain ‘How to use 
>>>> iPhoto Events to Organise Photos’: 
>>>> An event groups photos taken during a certain time period. Each event is 
>>>> viewed as a thumbnail, and when you mouse over that thumbnail, you can 
>>>> skim through the photos it contains. 
>>>> Viewing by events in iPhoto makes it easier to scroll through your photos, 
>>>> particularly when your library contains thousands upon thousands of 
>>>> photos. 
>>>> iPhoto creates events as you import photos, and you can set parameters on 
>>>> how it goes about doing so.
>>>> You have four choices on how iPhoto creates events:
>>>> Via iPhoto > Preferences > General, you you'll find a menu item labeled, 
>>>> Autosplit into Events. 
>>>> The choices are: One Event per day;  One Event per week;  Two-hour gaps, 
>>>> and Eight-hour gaps. 
>>>> The last two options are for serious photographers who take hundreds of 
>>>> shots in a given day. 
>>>> For most, creating an event per day or per week will suffice.
>>>> You can merge and split events, should you, for example, import a week's 
>>>> worth of vacation photos and find you created seven separate events. 
>>>> Simply highlight the event or events you want to merge into another and 
>>>> then drag and drop them on top of the event with which you'd like to merge 
>>>> them. 
>>>> (To highlight multiple events that are next to each other, use the shift 
>>>> key. 
>>>> For events that are not next to each other, use the command key.) 
>>>> To split an event, open an event and highlight the first photo that will 
>>>> be the first photo in the new event. 
>>>> Then under the Events menu option on the menu bar, choose Split Event.
>>>> You can also move a photo or photos from one event to another. 
>>>> To do so, highlight two events and then double-click on one of them, which 
>>>> will open both events. 
>>>> You can then drag and drop photos between the two open events.
>>>> Lastly, you can choose the photo in an event to be the image to appear in 
>>>> the thumbnail. 
>>>> Apple calls it, the key photo. Drag your cursor over an event thumbnail to 
>>>> skim through the photos. 
>>>> Find one you like and hit the spacebar to assign it as the key photo.
>>>> =========
>>>> PART TWO: iTunes: Are you using iTunes 10.5.3?
>>>> How to Import a Music CD:
>>>> You first need to setup your Import Format preference or leave it at 
>>>> default which is AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) Format).    • It is part of 
>>>> the MP4 standard and can be used by any hardware or software. iOS devices 
>>>> understand this format, but some MP3 players don’t support it.  Probably 
>>>> the default setting will suit you.
>>>> (* I prefer to import using the same quality as the CD which is AIFF 
>>>> Encoder: Both AIFF and WAV files encapsulate raw sound data from a music 
>>>> CD in file headers so the data can be used on computers. This format is 
>>>> uncompressed, and it takes up a lot of space, around 600–700 MB per disc, 
>>>> or about 10 MB per minute of audio.)
>>>> I won’t go into Bit Rates at this time.
>>>> 1. iTunes > Preferences - General: When you insert a CD: Show CD
>>>> 2. Click on Import Settings: this is where you can change the default AAC 
>>>> Encoder if you wish.
>>>> 3. Select “Automatically retrieve CD track names from the Internet”
>>>> Select “Automatically download missing Album Artwork
>>>> Select Check for new software updates automatically
>>>> 4. Click OK
>>>> 5. Quit iTunes
>>>> 6. Insert you your Music CD into your optical drive, after it spins up 
>>>> iTunes should open (If not, Open iTunes and the CD will display in the 
>>>> Sidebar, under Devices, then check the Gracenote CD Database for tag 
>>>> information. If it finds this information, you’ll see the names of your 
>>>> album, artist, and tracks
>>>> 7. To Import the whole CD:
>>>> A)  Select it in the Sidebar
>>>> B)  Click ‘Import CD’ button
>>>> Your Music CD will be imported into the iTunes Library.
>>>> To View by Album: Select Music (under Library), Click the "Album by 
>>>> Artist/Year” Column (at the top menu)
>>>> To View by Artist (which is probably what you have done), Click  the 
>>>> “Artist” Column
>>>> You choose a view by clicking a view button at the top of the iTunes 
>>>> window. 
>>>> From left to right, the buttons are for 'List View', 'Album List View', 
>>>> 'Grid View', and 'Cover Flow View'.
>>>> To Choose which Columns to Display:
>>>> Choose View > View Options to open the View Options dialogue window.
>>>> Then, check a checkbox for a column name to display it, or uncheck one to 
>>>> hide it.
>>>> After adding columns, you may want to reposition them by dragging them to 
>>>> the left or right, and resize them to show all the information they 
>>>> contain, or to make sure they fit in your iTunes window. 
>>>> One way to resize columns is to Control-click on a column header, then 
>>>> choose Auto Size Column or Auto Size All Columns. iTunes will fit the size 
>>>> of one or all visible columns to hold the longest text that they contain. 
>>>> You can also resize a column by dragging the divider between any two 
>>>> column headers.
>>>> That’s enough for the now, Ronni needs a coffee ;-)
>>>> I’ll look through my huge documents folder and also my Bookmarks in Safari 
>>>> anything that might be of help to you.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
>>>> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
>>>> OS X 10.7.3 Lion
>>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
>>>> On 21/02/2012, at 12:15 PM, Diana & Graham Stevens wrote:
>>>>> I have avoided iPhoto & iTunes up until now as I thought they were 
>>>>> unnecessarily complicated.
>>>>> I hate the way iPhoto puts one camera download in multiple folders if the 
>>>>> pics were not all taken on the same day. I previously used the Canon 
>>>>> software but my camera is so old there is no OSX version. Now I have a 
>>>>> MacBookPro it is iPhoto or a card reader.
>>>>> I only used iTunes to put Pod Casts on my iPod but now I find I like some 
>>>>> music on my iPad. I imported a Peggy Lee / George Shearing Album from CD 
>>>>> and it filed the two instrumentals under George and the vocals under 
>>>>> Peggy. Same nasty busy-body behaviour!
>>>>> But I need to learn to cope with this and manage my files. Please someone 
>>>>> point me towards a tutorial for the simple-minded.
>>>>> And maybe someone can advise me about the iTunes Store. I wanted to buy a 
>>>>> few tracks from the Kate Bush Album 'The Kick Inside', it is $8.99 and 
>>>>> contains 13 tracks, 12 at $2.19 each plus one at $1.69, doesn't add up. 
>>>>> Buying the album is the best option but can I be sure I shall get all the 
>>>>> tracks? If I don't get them all they may not include the ones I want.
>>>>> Best wishes to all from Diana

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