Hi Alan,

Under Library in iTunes, the movies should show in “Movies” not iTunesU 
shouldn’t they?
Perhaps that is why you are receiving “unknown iTunesU structure” in iTunes.

All my iMovie or iPhoto slideshow movies & other movies, show in Movies in 
iTunes and in Finder are located:
/Users/ronni/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Movies/xxxxx 

Movies generally just need the Title tag, and TV shows need Show, Season 
Number, and Episode Number tags to keep them grouped together.


17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.7.3 Lion
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

On 25/04/2012, at 3:02 PM, Alan Smith wrote:

> Using iMac with OS X 10.6.8 and iTunes 10.6.1.
> I made a mistake while editing tags on 3 movies and now they are invisible in 
> iTunes to both eyeballing and spotlight searching.
> Movies were created in iMovie and exported to an external Firewire drive.  I 
> normally Option-Copy links into iTunes so movies can be viewed on Apple TV 
> without creating a physical copy of the movie.   Copied movies appear by 
> default in the Films library of iTunes.  For this type of movie I change tags 
> and classify the Media Kind  as iTunesU.   My mistake was to leave the Album 
> tag blank, which I think is used to name the Collection field within iTunesU. 
> iTunes tag data seems to have been written back to the real file on the 
> Firewire drive.  I can't re-do the links as iTunes ignores the file as if it 
> already exists.   No file path data shows in Finder for these linked movies.  
> I copied a physical file into iTunes, but this is invisible too.   However 
> the physical file reveals a path in Finder ... ~/music /itunes /itunes media 
> /itunesU /unknown iTunesU /filename.   This Unknown iTunesU folder does not 
> display as an iTuneU collection header.
> Movies can be seen in Apple TV.  (!)  This just shows the text "3 episodes" 
> without a Collection title on a separate line to other iTunesU Collections.  
> This infers I have an un-named Collection in iTunesU, but - - -.
> How can I access the movies in iTunes to fix the tags?   How can I delete the 
> invisible Unknown iTunesU structure in iTunes?  I have older backups of the 
> movies (with no iTunes tags) so they could replace the Firewire drive copies 
> if necessary. 
> Yes, another example of rushing a 5 minute task and spending hours to repair 
> the damage.
> Regards, Alan
> Alan Smith
>  iMac 21.5" Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz 4M - OSX 10.6.8
>  iPad2; ATV2

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