> My Mac is sick again. Hope someone can help.
> The patient: Mac Pro, 4 years old (the first 64 bit model), 3 hard
> disks, 16 GB RAM, OS 10.6.8.
> The symptoms: It was working OK last night when I closed it down.
> This morning, when booted, the Finder repeatedly quits every few
> seconds (very obvious because the screensaver keeps changing). Up in
> the top left-hand corner some of the usual icons on the Finder menu
> bar are semi-visible but non-functional. Otherwise, a blank screen.
> What I have done so far:
> 1.  Rebuilt the directories with DiskWarrior. Problem not fixed.
> 2. Ran TechTool Deluxe. No change.
> 3. Put the Snow Leopard disk in and verified and repaired all 3
> disks, repaired permissions. Disk Utility says all the disks appear
> to be OK.  Problem still exists.

I have tried a few more things to try to solve this problem.

Tried to use Apple Hardware test.  The instructions said to boot with  
the SL install disk while holding down the 'D' key, but nothing  

Searched on the internet on the words 'mac Finder crashing'. There  
were a few items on this topic, but none seemed to help me. One  
suggestion was to throw out the com.apple.Finder.plist, but there was  
no such item in the Library preference folder. A clue, perhaps?  
Another suggestion was that there might be a corrupted .DS_Store  
file, and to use Terminal to eliminate it, however, I don't know how  
to get Terminal going in these conditions.

I have Lion on one of the other disks, and that loaded (almost)  
properly.  'Almost' because the icon of the third disk didn't appear  
on the desktop. This third disk is purely storage for many files.  
Disk Utility and Disk Warrior both recognised the presence and good  
condition of this disk.

There are 2 other user accounts on this machine, one administrative  
and the other non-administrative. The non-administrative one loaded  
almost properly - again, that one icon was absent.
The administrative account showed only a blue screen.

I'm guessing that it is a software problem, and I will most likely  
have to reinstall SL.
I will be grateful for ideas and suggestions,


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