On 10/07/2012, at 2:31 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> You need to be using iPhoto Version 9.3 to open Libraries from Aperture 3.3 
> or later.
>       "• iPhoto can now open libraries from Aperture 3.3 or later"
> iPhoto 9.3 can only be installed in Lion OS X 10.7.4
> <http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1545>
> So what can you do to get the photos of your Mum into iPhoto 9.2.3?
> I'm busy with clients work at the moment, but I've give your problem more 
> thought when possible and get back to WAMUG if I come up with anything more.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 10/07/2012, at 12:05 PM, Matt Falvey wrote:
>> Is it logical then to abandon the attempt to recover the partial Library and 
>> is there a way to Import the Library from Aperture to iPhoto, without 
>> wrecking it? 

Hi again Matt,

If you don't wish to upgrade to Lion so you could upgrade to iPhoto 9.3 & 
Aperture 3.3
There is no way to bring your Aperture library back to iPhoto. 
You can get the photos back, but not the Library.
To do this: export from Aperture to the Finder, Import to iPhoto. Choose your 
export presets from Aperture carefully.

Follow the Instructions below:

Although you can access Aperture images in iPhoto, this isn’t the same as 
moving them all across from one application to another. 
If you’d just like to access Aperture images, you can do so by clicking File > 
Show Aperture Library:

A solution is needed for exporting all of your images in a useful folder 
structure, ready for importing into iPhoto.

The simplest way to move photos from one application to another is by dragging 
and dropping them out of Aperture, then back into a new iPhoto event or album. 
Providing you’ve set Aperture to export full-resolution versions when dragging 
out, this method can work well.

The problem with this solution is simple: time. If you have a few hundred photo 
albums, exporting each one separately can be a very long winded process, and 
take far too long to be practical. A better solution exists for exporting all 
the photos in your Library with one click.

Bulk Exporting:
Fortunately, Aperture comes with a fairly advanced set of export preferences 
allowing you to specific exactly how a folder structure will be created, along 
with how files are to be named.

First, select the images to export (this is likely to be all the images in your 
Library). Click File → Export → Version (or Master, if you’d like the original 
images). You can then look for the “Subfolder Format” section, and choose 
“Edit” to define your own export structure.

This will launch a simple interface for defining a folder structure for export. 
This is particularly user friendly and easy-to-use.

Export Settings:
The options chosen here will reflect how you have chosen to organize your 
Aperture library. You may have a different Project for each shoot, or prefer to 
use Folders to structure photos. Either way, you can select from a few of the 
                Project Name
                Folder Name
                Year/Date/Time (both the current time, and that of shooting)
                Various Custom Numbers/Fields
Using a combination of these options should allow for a flexible export 
structure, and result in a well organised set of photos on your hard drive.

You can also adjust how files themselves are named using a similar process 
under the “Name Format” menu.

Importing into iPhoto should then be as simple as dragging the resulting 
folders of photos into the application. Appropriately titled events will 
automatically be created.

Other Solutions:
A few other solutions exist for simplifying this process and automating it 
You could try this Automator script which, while a little dated, could do the 
trick.  <http://automatorworld.com/archives/aperture-to-iphoto/>

Best of luck, I hope you can get your Mum's photos into iPhoto.


17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.7.4 Lion
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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