Hi Matt,

You need to be using iPhoto Version 9.3 to open Libraries from Aperture 3.3 or 
        "• iPhoto can now open libraries from Aperture 3.3 or later"

 iPhoto 9.3 can only be installed in Lion OS X 10.7.4

So what can you do to get the photos of your Mum into iPhoto 9.2.3?
I'm busy with clients work at the moment, but I've give your problem more 
thought when possible and get back to WAMUG if I come up with anything more.


On 10/07/2012, at 12:05 PM, Matt Falvey wrote:

> Hi Ronni, 
> Hi Ronni, I followed your instructions to the letter. In Section 3. I located 
> all the files except Database (iPhoto 9)
> I then proceeded to 6. and opened iPhoto with the Option key held down and 
> selected iPhoto Library Matt, I was great with the following message:-
> The photo library needs to be upgraded to work with this version of iPhoto
> Your photo library will not be readable by previous versions of iPhoto after 
> the upgrade. The upgrade process for very large libraries may take an hour or 
> more to complete - UPGRADE
> I then pressed Upgrade, about 4 seconds later I had the following message:-
> You can't open your current photo library using this versions of iPhoto, You 
> have made changes to your photo library using a newer version of iPhoto. 
> Please quit and use the latest version of iPhoto - QUIT.
> Quit being the only option. I pressed quit and naturally it quits. I checked 
> again which version of iPhoto I have and it is 9.2.3, which I already knew as 
> I had upgraded some time ago.
> It seems to be giving a contradictory message in that it would take a long 
> time to upgrade the library, but somehow manages to do it in seconds. Seems 
> to confirm the upgrade in the second message, by saying I have made changes, 
> in a newer version. But even though I have the newest it won't let me open 
> the library up with the newest which is exactly what it is telling me to do 
> and in fact is the one that did the upgrade in the first place. If in fact an 
> upgrade did take place in 4 seconds.
> One thing I did do while it was still in Safe mode was open up the "iPhoto 
> Library Mon" to get an idea of what a working Library file should look like 
> in comparison to the one we are trying to fix. I was bearing in mind that you 
> asked me to try and find an interruptedUpdate file to delete. 
> The first thing I noticed was that the "Mon" Library started with 
> AlbumsData.xml, then Attachments… The "Matt" Library started with files 2003, 
> 2004, 2005, AlbumData.xml & Attachments…
> I then had a look in the 'Matt" Library under Originals and found 2004, 2005 
> & 2006, I then went down through the levels of the folders and could not find 
> a single jpg image in any of the originals. I then went to the 2003,4 & 5 and 
> they were the same at the lower levels no jpg's whatsoever. I went to "Mon" 
> Library Originals down the levels jpg's everywhere!
> Big Trouble. So I deleted the "Matt" Library totally and imported from the 
> Ext HD a copy. Followed your instructions again, When I opened up the file in 
> Show Contents I deleted the empty  2003,2004 & 2005 and the others you 
> mentioned and ran the process and still came up with the same two Upgrade 
> messages mentioned above. It wants me to update my iPhoto 9.2.3 to the next 
> version?
> While I was mucking around with this lot over the last two days, I hunting 
> everywhere to see if I had the photo's elsewhere and was fortunate enough to 
> find that I imported the entire Library into Aperture. I was overjoyed to see 
> Mom's photo's there, as she died on March 17th, but also shocked to see that 
> the photo's went back to 1977, I didn't realise how much was in that Library. 
> Is it logical then to abandon the attempt to recover the partial Library and 
> is there a way to Import the Library from Aperture to iPhoto, without 
> wrecking it? 
> Thanks for your help and patience.
> Matt

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