I've ummmered and arrrred about replying to this, and whether to or not,…but 
well, obviously trom my post I am about to…..

First off, this is not meant to in any way to cause offence, or be seen to be 
having a go, especially to you Pete and I apologise up front if it seems that 
way.  I also apologise if it gets taken the wrong way as well,…as it's meant in 
the sincerest way.

Though I understand that wanting to grab the domains before someone else did, 
this is a lot more difficult for .org.au's to do. Sure, if this was a .com then 
I'd tend to agree.
A .com.au and .org.au hold a bit more weight to them when aiming to be 
purchased. A .com.au can only be purchased with an ABN and has to have some 
"close resemblance" to the Business Name or organisation. 
A.org.au can only be purchased by a non-profit of charity organisation. And 
normally those "parties" have to have a Certificate of Incorporation before 
they can purchase it. (And perhaps a constitution as well, I'm not 100% sure on 
that one). But it's certainly a lot harder for someone to sit on them for the 
sake of sitting on them,….if that makes sense. i fully understand about aiming 
to get them  before someone else did and as long as a regulated business is 
used to check domain names the risk of this happening is a lot less (I've never 
been "overtaken" on checking a name for clients I've set them up for and looked 
up, but I always use a well known and trusted domain checker. And I can 
understand about worry about the use of a name in a public forum where it may 
get taken, but realistically I feel this is quite low for .org.au. The work 
involved to try and get it versus the reward from it would be almost 
negligible. (if possible as well). The AuDA is very strict on these sort of 
things, and even if someone did without the right "paper trail" I have a 
feeling it would be overwritten if the wrong party did it for that sole 
A .com is a completely different story of course,…lol. You see those go for 
silly sums sometimes! lol. 
I know the cost is minimal, and I guess it's not like we had 4 or 5 to choose 
from,…lol :)) (or had been purchased,…lol).

Again, Pete this is not to meant to seem like an attack on you or anything like 
that,.. I just really wanted to partially clarify that information for 
interests sake. (if people were looking at domains later, it's not "too 
scary"). ;o))

I, like others have mentioned, are a bit concerned at the AUWA acronym, as I 
feel it could be associated to do with UWA. That's why my first "thought" is 
when I see it, as others have mentioned to me as well. So we could get 
ourselves into some hot water with UWA as well. Hey, I could be wrong,..but 
that's my first thought with it as well. The same, as Ronni mentioned, with 
using Apple in the name. More so now that Apple are really pushing into 
everything themselves with the Apple branded stores, and everything associated 
with it. We certainly wouldn't want to get in trouble with them, or assumed 
that we're something to do with Apple direct. That's a whole lot of hot water 
to get into,…lol.
So, I could see, like Vlad mentioned (which Shane bought up), if it was to be 
changed (at all) to be WA Apple Users Group. (WAAU or WAAUG - however you'd' 
pronounce them) it's less "in your face" Apple. 
Either way, whichever is used, WAMUG, AUWA, WAAU, WAAUG etc etc et), you'll 
always need to explain it. I think that goes without saying. Even if 
advertising WA Macintosh User Group, Apple Users WA, WA Apple Users, WA Apple 
Users Group,..etc etc it can be seen as "long",..or shorted to the acronym, 
which will still need to be explained. So either way, I don't think that's an 
"issue" (not a major one anyway I feel. Besides, any type of explanation for it 
gets the person involved in the "discussion". Hook, line and sinker? (lol, and 
I don't even fish!),..hehe).

There were a couple of other points I had, but I think I've rambled enough……

I'd just like to finish  again by saying, I apologise if anything is taken the 
wrong way. It's not meant to be, and hopefully those who know me understand I'm 
trying to "portray" all this. The last thing I would ever want to do is start a 
flame war, degrade or put down any person (or business, or group,…), I just 
like to add my 2cents.

And as we, know (or can assume), something like this is going to be a semi 
emotional issue with such a history of information, wealth of knowledge and 
people and "group structure",..and name :)
(Just seeing Mac's post come in, reminds me of  John Currie with WAMUG and 
Panarama. I think it was Matt Healey that was over in the US one day and 
looking at a Panarama stall at a WWDC or something and got talking to one of 
the Panarama reps and they said, oh you'll know John Currie from WAMUG 

Thanks for listening! :)

Kind regards

Sent from my iPhone 5 (ok, not really, I changed that from 4s - I'm just 
getting ready) :o)

Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Apple**

On 12/09/2012, at 11:40 PM, Pete Smith <smudd...@internode.on.net> wrote:

> Hi Ronni and all other WAMUGGERS.
> I'd just like to address two points from a personal perspective to put your 
> minds at ease.
> 1. Domain name.   Knowing that the name change would invoke healthy public 
> debate on a public forum and also knowing that there are people out there 
> (not WAMUGGERS!!) who snap up possible domain names to hold out for 'ransom', 
> so to speak,  a couple of domain names were snapped up by WAMUG first.
> If the end result is that the membership vote to change the name, we already 
> have the domain secured. If the end result is that membership vote to retain 
> WAMUG, then the domain names will simply expire and not be renewed. It was 
> just a precautionary thing.
> Personally - please consider the change and vote for what you want.
> 2. Constitution.   I don't know where the 28 days has come from. Our 
> constitution reads:
>    "5.3 Notice of General Meetings
> At least twenty one days notice of every Annual General Meeting or fourteen 
> days for every Special General Meeting shall be given to Members specifying 
> the place, the date and the hour of the Meeting and the general nature of any 
> special business, but the non-receipt of such notice by any Member shall not 
> invalidate the proceedings at any General Meeting."
> The Associations Incorporation Act 1987 allows us to set the time period as 
> we see fit as long it is actually in the Rules (Constitution) which it is. 
> Other bodies may have 28 days but we don't. As you see, it is 21 days for the 
> AGM and only 14 days for a Special General meeting.
> Regards,
> Pete Smith
> On 12/09/2012, at 17:15 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>> OOPS ... I forgot another point I did hint at it my first post to the list.
>> In the post from the Committee it was mentioned having to explain the WAMUG 
>> name. Isn't this sort of doing the right thing, as it's getting them 
>> "enquiring" about it.  
>> Once you've got them asking what it is, you then explain what WAMUG is, what 
>> it does (covering all Apple products) etc etc.
>> You have then got them intrigued enough to enquire about it,.... so you've 
>> "got them",... then you can sell them on the idea to come and see, come to a 
>> meeting or join the Mailing List.
>> Well that's it from me, all done, nothing more to say.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> On 12/09/2012, at 4:57 PM, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> Hi WAMUGers,
>>> Well, I have said "Hi WAMUGers" another time ;-)
>>> I've been giving some more thought to this and watching the list and 
>>> comments and pondering the following, which I haven't seen answered as yet, 
>>> so will re-post for interest sake, some of the queries raised so far, as 
>>> well as some points of interest I have.
>>> First off, I'm assuming that appleuserswa.org.au would be the new website 
>>> address. After doing a search of registered Domain Names, I noticed it was 
>>> registered already, which I then discovered was by WAMUG. Just curious why 
>>> this was registered when it has not been agreed on as yet?
>>> Secondly, Merv mentioned the other day that the Special Meeting requires a 
>>> 28 day notice, so may not fall in time for the 2nd October. I'm assuming 
>>> this would then need to be the November meeting to keep in line with the 
>>> constitution.
>>> The Committee mention a marketing push in the original post. Has a 
>>> marketing push been tried currently with WAMUG as it stands to date?
>>> Couldn't this be tried as another (much easier) way to try and recruit more 
>>> members. Surely just advertising WAMUG - come along to learn all about and 
>>> gain extensive knowledge and help for all things Apple - iPhone, iPad, 
>>> AppleTV. New members welcome to the monthly meetings. Or something along 
>>> that theme? 
>>> Any marketing material would still just refer to "the whole range of Apple 
>>> products and services" that you're trying to target. And those older, 
>>> longer (or lost) members who still remember WAMUG, it may be enough of a 
>>> "Refresh" to dig them out of the woodwork. 
>>> As mentioned in my first email, I still get a lot of people that email me 
>>> privately about how great a service is given by WAMUG.
>>> Which also brings out the question of costing? Has a budget or costing been 
>>> looked at for all this as yet? Or is that to follow the name change? I know 
>>> you have to spend money to make money as the saying goes, but we (as WAMUG 
>>> as a whole) obviously still need to cover the running costs of the group I 
>>> would imagine without "blowing out the budget". 
>>> Surely if we could try a marketing push without the added expensive of all 
>>> these changes first, would show if it's going to work or not?
>>> Another point that has been worrying me is... How does Apple itself feel 
>>> about this, given that it wasn't that long ago (3-4 years I think) that 
>>> they "took back" AppleCentre names from the Resellers. Are we (as WAMUG) 
>>> allowed now to use Apple Users? Or is that something they would take back 
>>> down the track as well?
>>> As everyone knows I am all for WAMUG, I believe in WAMUG's principles and 
>>> work and I try to do the very best I possibly can to help people on the 
>>> Mailing List.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> On 11/09/2012, at 9:39 AM, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi WAMUGers,
>>>> With sadness that will probably be the last time I use "Hi WAMUGers". 
>>>> I'm not against change but I am feeling sadness that the name WAMUG 
>>>> (Western Australian Macintosh Users' Group)  will be no longer. 
>>>> A great reputation was built under that name, and I am honoured and proud 
>>>> to have been awarded a Honorary Life Membership of WAMUG. 
>>>> People from all over the world have contacted me congratulating us on the 
>>>> level of support we give on WAMUG Mailing List. 
>>>>> The committee proposes that our group of Apple enthusiasts be know as 
>>>>> "Apple Users WA".  As opposed to WAMUG which has to be explained to all 
>>>>> on first hearing
>>>> I don't agree that WAMUG has to be explained TO ALL on first hearing, sure 
>>>> as any company/group name abbreviated to an acronym there are some people 
>>>> who you need to give an explanation. If "Apple Users WA" is abbreviated to 
>>>> AUWA you would be explaining to more people.
>>>> Will the new website be "www.appleuserswa.org.au"?  Will the email Address 
>>>> be appleuser...@appleuserswa.org.au?
>>>> A new Constitution will also need to be prepared.
>>>> I am not wanting to sound negative about the change as change is normally 
>>>> for the best. Just one last point I would like to make is from what I 
>>>> understand the majority of  Members are "Online Members"; members who for 
>>>> varying reasons can not/do not attend WAMUG Meetings and rely purely on 
>>>> the WAMUG Mailing list.
>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>> Ronni
>>>> On 10/09/2012, at 10:00 PM, wamug announce <annou...@wamug.org.au> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Muggers,
>>>>> As you know the WAMUG Committee is working hard to increase the 
>>>>> availability of our service to Apple users. A number of our recent 
>>>>> meetings have included well received hands on demonstrations in addition 
>>>>> to the traditional segment for problem solving and the sharing of ideas. 
>>>>> Though we are a vibrant and active group and have a particularly 
>>>>> responsive, helpful mail list, the Committee would like to instigate a 
>>>>> marketing push to increase meeting attendance, attract some new members, 
>>>>> and get involved in community outreach. A model that we can aspire to is 
>>>>> that of the dynamic Apple-Q in Queensland. ( http://www.apple-q.org.au )
>>>>> This marketing will include a revamping of the web-site, printing of 
>>>>> business cards, and advertising in local publications and on local notice 
>>>>> boards. Before the marketing initiative begins a name change would 
>>>>> greatly help with public recognition of what our group does. The 
>>>>> committee proposes that our group of Apple enthusiasts be know as "Apple 
>>>>> Users WA".  As opposed to WAMUG which has to be explained to all on first 
>>>>> hearing, Apple Users WA obviously describes a group Apple product users.
>>>>> We support the whole range of Apple products and services in addition to 
>>>>> the much loved, time honoured Mac. Newer products such as the iPod, 
>>>>> iPhone, iPad and Apple TV all contribute to the easily accessible Apple 
>>>>> ecosystem that we have come to rely upon. Rounding out the Apple combined 
>>>>> ecosystem are services that include iCloud, iTunes, iTunes U, iTunes 
>>>>> Match, the App Store, and the Mac App Store. It is now possible to own 
>>>>> and iPhone and an iPad, and with the use iCloud have an extremely 
>>>>> versatile and functional setup. Younger people in particular are often in 
>>>>> a position where they do not even know what a Mac is. Also Windows users 
>>>>> are often wooed into the Apple fold by the iPhone and iPad, but may 
>>>>> initially not know the benefits of converting to an iMac or a MacBook. We 
>>>>> would like to help these sections of the community as well as those who 
>>>>> make use of the full range of Apple products.
>>>>> Even though we long standing members are quite comfortable with, and 
>>>>> likely even quite attached to the WAMUG name, a name that better reflects 
>>>>> our activities and sounds more accessible will help us promote the use of 
>>>>> the Apple product range and provide a obvious support group for the 
>>>>> growing collection of new Apple users.
>>>>> So while aficionados principally do our work on a Mac, increasingly 
>>>>> certain specialised functions are better served by using newer Apple 
>>>>> products and services. The Committee proposes that we change the name to 
>>>>> Apple Users WA to better reflect this.
>>>>> This name change will require the passing of a motion at a Special 
>>>>> Meeting of WAMUG. We propose that the meeting of Tuesday 2 October be 
>>>>> such a Special Meeting. An email with details will follow shortly.
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> WAMUG Committee

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