Hi Chris,

Good suggestion by Tim, might be worth a try depending on which version of 
ArcGIS you have. 
You can get a trial version of Crossover (I think) to try. 
It doesn't look very promising though with this search below. "Known NOT to 
work in ArcGIS 10, & 9.2 and untested in version 8.3"

: <http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/search?name=ArcGIS&search=app>

You don't have a lot of time to obtain a copy of Windows 7 and get installed & 
setup to perhaps then find it doesn't work as well as you require.

Is your installation of WindowsXP in Parallels Desktop 8 completely uptodate 
have you run Windows Update and downloaded and installed everything it shows?

To check what version of Windows you are running in Parallels.
Start Parallels - Start WindowsXP
Then Go to - Control Panel  > System & Security > System 
You will then see under Windows edition - what version of WindowsXP you are 
WindowsXP  Professional
Service Pack 3

I have Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 running in Parallels Desktop 8.

Sent from Ronni's iPad4

On 21/07/2013, at 7:36 AM, Chris Burton <c...@it.net.au> wrote:

> Morning muggers
> Its been awhile and I hope everyone are well
> I have a dilemma that is now quite urgent regarding running new GIS software 
> on parallels (updated to version 8) which has XP.
> The software is large (ArcGIS) and system requirements say anything from XP 
> professional home edition with service pack 3, and up wards is required for 
> it to run. I have tried installing it but an error appears saying a service 
> pack is required?
> I have XP, but Im not sure if it is Professional and if it has the SP3? 
> I have tried looking online and with Microsoft and only found SP3 for network 
> and developers, so am not sure if this is what I need?
> My only other avenue it seems is to obtain a new version of windows, probably 
> Windows 7, or buy a PC laptop, as I will need everything up and running by 
> tomorrow!!
> I would appreciate any advice from someone who may be familiar with this 
> situation?
> Many thanks and best regards
> Chris
> PS Im using a macbook with OS 10 6.8 at 2.2ghz and 8gb of ram. These specs 
> are within the limits required for the GIS.
> Christopher L.K. Burton
> Director
> Western Whale Research
> PO Box 1076
> Dunsborough WA 6281
> Mobile: 0419 199 120
> Email: c...@it.net.au 
> www.souwest.org
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