Hi Stephen,

If you open 1Password Menu > Preferences > Backups do you see any backups 
Probably not, so try this:
1Password Menu > Help > Troubleshooting > Restart 1Password mini and see if 
that corrects the problem


Sent from Ronni's iPad4

> On 14 Oct 2013, at 11:20 am, Stephen Chape <chap...@bigpond.com> wrote:
> I must be a complete dope using AppCleaner for this one.
> I followed the instructions for installing and setting up 1Password 4 first.
> Then the final instruction was to uninstall 1Password 3 Extension first and 
> then delete 1Password 3 itself.
> Fortunately (because of my trusting nature) I keep all my passwords on paper 
> in a very secure place.
> So I have now re-entered them all into 1Password 4 and linked the logins 
> again.
> The annoying part is that I also lost all my software license info.
> It is all around somewhere but not as organised as my passwords, so no huge 
> problem.
> I now have 1Password 4 syncing with iCloud so it is backed up.
> But every so often I get a message saying that "1Password backup failed".
> But this does not refer to iCloud. It seems to refer to an "on the Mac backup"
> It states in the 1Password user guide that these backups are automatic but 
> does not say how to turn them off.
> Any ideas re this please ?
> I am waiting for a reply from Agile Bits re this but they are obviously very 
> busy right now !
>> On 14/10/2013, at 7:53 AM, Peter Hinchliffe <hinch...@multiline.com.au> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 13/10/2013, at 11:44 AM, Stephen Chape <chap...@bigpond.com> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I just installed the new 1Password 4.
>>> Then I used AppCleaner to delete 1Password 3.
>>> Little did I realise that that would lose the "Vault File".
>> Precisely the reason I avoid this type of software as much as possible. The 
>> problems these programs can create can end up being far more serious than 
>> any perceived "problems" they purport to fix. 
>> Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
>> FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
>> Perth, Western Australia
>> Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 046 948
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.
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> Regards,
> Stephen Chape
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