Hi Tim,

iTunes backups are stored in your User Folder’s Library/Application 
Support/MobileSync folder.
But they aren't much use to you.

> On 5 Feb 2015, at 6:53 am, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au> wrote:
> Thanks Ronni,
> I should have explained that better. 
> The Notes icon is there in icloud.com <http://icloud.com/>, and normally I 
> see all my notes there too. But they have been deleted. 
> I am working at trying to find a backup now that still has the notes in. I’m 
> pretty frustrated  that all I can see in iTunes back up is the latest backup. 
> It’s not like Time machine where we can go back to long past backups, even 
> though I used to backup to iCloud, and at times to ‘my computer’.
> I’m searching apple support to see if old backups are stored in Time Machine. 
>  Even if I could get back the backup I used last night, which contained my 
> Notes, but now has been overridden by the latest backup and sync.   I let it 
> sync, thinking the notes that reappeared on the iPhone would then sync with 
> iCloud. Instead, they disappeared again. 
> Ta
> Tim
>> On 5 Feb 2015, at 5:24 am, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com 
>> <mailto:ro...@mac.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> To access iCloud Notes on iCloud.com <http://icloud.com/>, go to 
>> icloud.com/#notes <http://www.icloud.com/notes> and sign in using your Apple 
>> ID 
>> <http://support.apple.com/kb/index?page=link&apdid=mme7d59d02&viewlocale=en_US&bookId=MobileMe133314>
>>  (the one you use with iCloud).
>> If you only see Pages, Numbers, Keynote, and Settings on iCloud.com 
>> <http://icloud.com/>, your account just has access to iCloud web-only 
>> features. 
>> To gain access to iCloud Notes and other iCloud features, set up iCloud 
>> <http://support.apple.com/kb/index?page=link&apdid=mmfc0f1e2a&viewlocale=en_US&bookId=MobileMe133314>
>>  on your iOS device or Mac.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>>> On 4 Feb 2015, at 10:42 pm, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au 
>>> <mailto:t...@peoplehelp.com.au>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Ronni
>>> My concern is that the notes were not appearing in iCloud.
>>> I’ve done a restore via iTunes, and the notes appeared, but now it is 
>>> syncing again and they have gone again before I had a chance to copy them 
>>> somewhere. I’m going to give up for the evening and see what happens 
>>> overnight. The back up was dated 15th January, which is okay for me, but 
>>> it’s just being overwritten on the sync after the refresh. 
>>> Tim
>>>> On 4 Feb 2015, at 9:43 pm, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com 
>>>> <mailto:ro...@mac.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>> Are Notes still in Notes on your Mac mini?
>>>> Notes are already stored in the Cloud as is - purchased music, TV shows, 
>>>> Movies, apps and books, plus your contacts, calendars, reminders, email, 
>>>> notes, bookmarks, & any documents handled by iCloud Drive (or documents in 
>>>> the Cloud).
>>>> iCloud Backup covers the following: 
>>>>          * The Photos & videos you've taken on your iOS device-located in 
>>>> Camera Roll unless you've enabled iCloud Photo Library, in which case 
>>>> they’re in All Photos
>>>>         * Photo albums you’ve created on the iOS device (but not those 
>>>> synced from your computer, because they’re already “backed up” on that 
>>>> computer)
>>>>        * Documents and settings for all your apps
>>>>        * All account data and iOS settings (including those configured in 
>>>> the Settings app, and your app and folder organisation)
>>>>        * Conversations in the Messages app (iMessage, SMS, and MMS)
>>>>        * Ringtones 
>>>> If you have been backing up to iCloud over Wi-Fi,  it would have backed up 
>>>> a few times since you noticed this problem with Notes missing.
>>>> Restore from a Backup is ONLY an "All-or-Nothing" affair: you must Restore 
>>>> ALL your data from a backup-you can't restore just your notes. 
>>>> And you first have to Erase All Content & Settings on your iPhone to 
>>>> "Factory Fresh" before you can "Restore from iCloud Backup" (just as you 
>>>> do when setting up a new iPhone).
>>>> Your Notes I feel should still be on the Server in the Cloud and be able 
>>>> to download?
>>>> Tim, on your iPhone: Settings > Notes > Tap Default Account - is your 
>>>> @icloud.com <http://icloud.com/> ticked?
>>>> I'm hesitating whether to suggest this, but I think it is worth a try.
>>>> On your iPhone  
>>>> 1. Go to Settings > iCloud > Turn Notes OFF then ON
>>>> 2. Then Tap the Notes App > Accounts - All Notes
>>>> See if your all your Notes Appear. It might take a few moments before they 
>>>> appear.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>> 13-inch MacBook Air (April 2014)
>>>> 1.7GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost to 3.3GHz
>>>> 8GB 1600MHz LPDDR3 SDRAM
>>>> 512GB PCIe-based Flash Storage
>>>> OS X Yosemite 10.10.2
>>>>> On 4 Feb 2015, at 6:22 pm, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au 
>>>>> <mailto:t...@peoplehelp.com.au>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the quick thought Ronni,
>>>>> No. I haven't turned on iCloud Drive. 
>>>>> What I did do a few days ago, and am sure I had used Notes since then, 
>>>>> was to 'reset iCloud' from the icloud.com <http://icloud.com/> website. I 
>>>>> was reassured by the 'no data will be lost' message at icloud.com 
>>>>> <http://icloud.com/>
>>>>> The back story: I use an iPhone 4 and had been trying to add an address 
>>>>> into Contacts from an email I had received on the iPhone. This just 
>>>>> wasn't working and no matter what I seemed to do, I couldn't seem to see 
>>>>> the new persons details I made in Contacts, even though if I created or 
>>>>> changed some details on the Mac Mini desktop, the iPhone Contacts app or 
>>>>> other devices, they would sync through without a problem.   I thought 
>>>>> there must have been something wrong with my iPhone setup, and couldn't 
>>>>> see a way of logging out of iCloud or otherwise resetting it from the 
>>>>> iPhone. So I reset it from the iCloud.com <http://icloud.com/> website.  
>>>>> That was a few days ago, and yesterday I now recall using Notes to 
>>>>> retrieve some data and everything was there all as expected.   This 
>>>>> morning they have all gone.
>>>>> This morning I have created a new note and that has synced across all 
>>>>> devices as expected, but still the old ones are gone. 
>>>>> Does iCloud keep a back up I can roll back to?  or is it once it is gone 
>>>>> from the iCloud.com <http://icloud.com/> website, then it's really allll  
>>>>> gonnnnne.... :-{
>>>>> Ta
>>>>> Tim
>>>>>> On 4 Feb 2015, at 11:48 am, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:ro...@mac.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>>>> Very quick reply as out on a job.
>>>>>> You haven't accidentally turned on iCloud Drive?
>>>>>> iCloud Drive only syncs Yosemite & iOS 8 devices.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ronni
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone 6 Plus
>>>>>>> On 4 Feb 2015, at 10:05 am, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au 
>>>>>>> <mailto:t...@peoplehelp.com.au>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Good morning,
>>>>>>> I use iCloud Notes to store much useful information that is then synced 
>>>>>>> across my iPhone 4 (7.1.2), iPad 1 (5.1.1) and Mac Mini (10.10.2)
>>>>>>> This morning I found all the notes stored in iCloud have disappeared. 
>>>>>>> They have disappeared from each device, plus when I log into icloud.com 
>>>>>>> <http://icloud.com/> on my browser. 
>>>>>>> When I opened Notes in my iPad, they were initially all there, but as 
>>>>>>> soon as it synced, they all disappeared.
>>>>>>> Notes remained ticked in the Internet Account for iCloud. 
>>>>>>> Is there a backup in iCloud so I can retrieve these valuable notes?
>>>>>>> I have backup using Time Machine and Super Duper, but I'm thinking they 
>>>>>>> will not show the Notes as they are stored in iCloud.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Tim

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