Hi Pete
I think the problem might be in trying to use the same email address.

A possible way forward is (with lots of backups and care - including downloading recent emails onto a second device)

 * create a new email address - gmail - or even better a second westnet
   address associated with your account
 * try to create an IMAP account for this
 * Move your old messages into new new mailbox
 * try the disable/ enable thing again. Maybe you can change the server
   settings now.  Failing this, delete that old mailbox and create a
   new IMAP one.
 * Copy your old messages back.

I hope this helps

On 14/10/2015 7:55 am, petercr...@westnet.com.au wrote:
Hi Rob, thanks for the suggestion. The process in Mail to go from POP to IMAP requires establishment of a new account, you;re unable to just change the server address as the Account Type (POP) is superior to that. Unfortunately I am unable to get past the first dialogue where entry of the account detail (Name, email address and password) are required before getting to selecting IMAP/POP and server details. That is the problem I have. I have altered the Name and password of the account from the disabled account detail (no point changing the email address as the old address is MY address) and still no joy. Might have to ring Apple or chat.



    ----- Original Message -----


    Tue, 13 Oct 2015 22:03:09 +0800
    Re: How to convert a POP email account to IMAP

    I use Thunderbird not Mail, but have you changed the mail server
    address? It should be something like imap.westnet.com.au, instead
    of pop.westnet.comau.

    Hope this helps.

    On 13/10/2015 8:13 pm, Peter Crisp wrote:

        Hi, have any of you done the below process of moving from a
        POP Mail account to an IMAP account? I tried again and I get
        the same result as below here. Not able to Create a new
        account as Mail simple re-enables the account I disabled.



            On 12 Oct 2015, at 9:16 pm, Peter Crisp
            <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:

            Hi folks, I am getting a moment to make this change to my
            westnet account from POP to IMAP. The text (in different
            font) below is that from a previous thread on the topic
            back in Feb 2014. I am running V8.2 Mail and OS X 10.10.5.
            Maybe Mail is a little different now and the instructions
            altered or maybe I am doing something wrong. I’ve made the
            copy of Inbox and Sent items into temp folders “On My
            MAC”. Then I uncheck the Enable button in my current
            account. No problem to here.

            Then I choose Mail > Add Account and select “Add other
            Mail account”. This is where I am unsure. I used the same
            account name, email address and password (as I am trying
            to change to IMAP) as current account and once I select
            Create, it simply enables the existing account which I
            just disabled. Perhaps this is not unexpected. I tried a
            different password and account name (same email address) -
            same thing - re-enables the existing disabled account.

            What am I doing wrong or is the procedure different in 8.2?

            For the moment I have re-enabled my Mail so I can still
            use it for this.



            Hi Laura,

            I have cc'd your iinet &  Laura Webb <elja...@me.com 
<http://me.com/>> addresses, so hopefully
            you receive at least one of them.

            Step 2. is VERY IMPORTANT:
            To avoid any potential disasters, save all the messages you have on 
your Mac to
            a different mailbox before you convert to IMAP.

            How to convert a POP email account to IMAP
            Most email providers let you choose between two ways to get your 
messages. You
            can have a POP (Post Office Protocol) account that downloads all 
your messages
            to your Mac, iPhone or iPad. Or, you can have an IMAP (Internet 
Message Access
            Protocol) account that leaves some or all of your messages up on 
the mail
            server so you can access them from any device. For example, with a 
POP account,
            if you check email on your iPhone, the messages downloaded there 
will only be
            there; when you get back to your Mac, you won’t see them in your 
inbox. With
            IMAP, they’ll be on all your devices.

            If you’ve been using a POP account, but have grown frustrated with 
            messages, you can usually convert your account to IMAP. Most 
hosting companies
            and providers offer both options. However, making this conversion 
requires that
            you take precautions so you don’t lose any messages. Here’s how to 
make the
            switch safely:

            1. Check with your email host

            If you manage your email account yourself, check on your hosting 
            dashboard to make sure you can use IMAP. (It’s very rare that this 
is not
            available.) If you get email through your business or school, check 
with the IT
            department. Find out what settings you will need to access your 
email as an
            IMAP account, and whether anything needs to be changed on the 
server side. If
            you use Gmail, this help page will tell you how to change your 
Gmail account
            from POP to IMAP. (You have to enable IMAP on the Gmail website.)

            2. Protect the message you’ve already downloaded

            To avoid any potential disasters, save all the messages you have on 
your Mac to
            a different mailbox before you convert to IMAP.

            IMAP stores some or all of your email on the mail server. The 
problem is, this
            means that any folders that are on your Mac may get overwritten, or 
deleted, if
            you don’t save their messages before making the switch. So, in 
Mail, choose
            Mailbox -> New Mailbox, and, with the location as On My Mac, create 
a new
            mailbox. Call it something like My Old Inbox. When you’ve done 
this, move all
            the messages currently in your Inbox to this folder. Do the same 
for your Sent
            Mail folder, and any Drafts you may have. Once this is done, you 
can change the
            settings for your email account.

            3. Find your IMAP settings

            Either your hosting company, your IT department, or your email 
provider will
            provide the settings you need to switch your account over to IMAP. 
For example,
            for Gmail, you will need to know the new Incoming Mail Server 
(imap.gmail.com <http://imap.gmail.com/>),
            but your outgoing mail server won’t change. In most cases, you will 
just need
            to change the prefix in the Incoming Mail Server setting from pop 
to imap.
            Write these down. You'll need them in Step 5.

            4. Disable your POP account

            In Mail, choose Preferences -> Accounts, click on the name of your 
POP account,
            then on Advanced, then uncheck Enable this account.

            5. Create a new IMAP email account

            In Mail, you can’t change an email account from POP to IMAP. 
Instead, you need
            to create a new account.

            Choose File -> Add Account, and enter the information that you 
obtained in step
            3 above.

            6. Check your email

            If you entered the correct information, your new IMAP account 
should work right
            away. You will see an Inbox folder that is on the email server. 
Copy the
            messages you stored in your old inbox folder in step 2 to that 
folder, and they
            will be copied to your email server, so they will now be accessible 
from all
            your devices. Do the same for any sent messages or drafts.

            Now that you have an IMAP account on your Mac, use the same 
settings to access
            your messages on another Mac, or on your iOS device(s).  On your 
iPad or
            iPhone, enter the necessary information in the Settings app, in the 
            Contacts, Calendars section.

            If you create more folders to store messages you’ll see them on all 
            devices. To do this, choose Mailbox -> New Mailbox, then in the 
popup menu at
            the top of the dialog box, choose the name of your email account. 
The folder
            will be created on your mail server, and any messages you store in 
that folder
            will sync to all your devices.

            IMAP is much better for managing email across multiple devices. 
Change your old
            POP accounts to IMAP now so you can have access to your email at 
all times.


            17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
            2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

            OS X 10.9.1 Mavericks
            Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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