Hi All

My experience with iinet changing to NBN (FTN) was excellent. All changed 
seamlessly including land line to Net phone with number porting.  I was told 
this could take up to a week bu in the event it was less than 24Hrs.  Initially 
I signed for 25 Mbs and regularly achieved 24.  I noticed that later iinet was 
offering 50 Mbs for the same price so I changed plans.  Iinet then warned me 
that NBN Co said the maximum I could expect at my location was 39 Mbs and I 
could revert to my original plan if I wished.  As  there was no financial 
advantage I stayed with the nominal 50 and routinely get 35 Mbs which I 
consider good for a possible 39 maximum.  As my ADSL speed was usually 6 - 7 
Mbs I am pleased with the new system.  Goes to show that all is not necessarily 
doom and gloom.


iMac Retina 5K 27"
Intel Core i5 3.5 GHz 
8       GB RAM
1.0 TB HD
OS X 10.12.2

> On 15 Apr 2018, at 11:27 pm, Philippe Chaperon <laut...@bigpond.com> wrote:
> Hi Diana and all, 
> It would appear that NBN would be a hit & miss experience from what I have 
> been reading. On the other hand after many years of being with Westnet, once 
> it was taken over twice the service became almost intolerable for me to the 
> point that I went over to Telstra/Bigpond. 
> Although I had some initial problems with the date when the actual swap over 
> was to happen the swap over to Telstra was smooth and no problems to speak 
> of. Contrary to most people I have spoken to, my experience with talking to 
> the staff at the Telstra shop in Morley was less than satisfactory whereas 
> the Philippine call centre staff were very polite, efficient and did what 
> they promised to do. This is sad! 
> The move from ADSL2 to NBN, still with Telstra/Bigpond went so smoothly that 
> I could not believe it! We do have fibre to the Node which fortunately is not 
> very far away from my house. The NBN connection was planned for Saturday 14th 
> April, so on Friday evening I checked the internet speed whilst still on 
> ADSL2 being upload at 1.49 mbs and download at 17.41 mbs. As I already have a 
> modem which is NBN ready Telstra told me I would have nothing to do. On 
> Saturday morning I checked the speed, using SpeedOf.me, to my surprise the 
> upload speed showed 16.1 mbps and download speed 50.13 mbs. This is spot on 
> to the speed Telstra told me my Connect Plus plan will provide. 
> Contrary to what I was expecting I did not have to do anything whatsoever 
> with regards to the modem settings or to my various computers, iPads and 
> iPhone. This is technology today!!
> One small negative report was that viewing Youtube videos was quite irregular 
> this morning, Sunday am, but for only a short time, and since then so far 
> right on the dot of 50 mbs.
> I am waiting for 5G network to see if their promise of very fast 
> upload/download speeds eventuate. 
> I wish you good luck Diana which whichever path to choose and as they say in 
> the classics ‘May the NBN be with you” ;)
> Re email address, I paid Westnet to keep my email address with them for 1 
> year which they did not do as they cancelled it immediately and to this day 
> never received a refund or apology from them. They never acknowledged my 
> emails requesting progress on this matter. But all this is in the past now. 
> Regards to all, 
> Philippe Chaperon
> On 15 Apr 2018, at 9:21 pm, Michael Hawkins 
> <michael.hawk...@mjhawkins.com.au> wrote:
> Diana,
> Having experienced NBN at snail pace night after night (we’re in Doubleview 
> on copper just over 200 metres from the node) (and it’s even slower during 
> school holidays) I suggest you get a large download allowance on your mobile 
> plan as you may find that using the personal hotspot on your iPhone is far 
> faster than using NBN.
> Cheers,
> Michael
>> On 15 Apr 2018, at 9:05 pm, Diana & Graham Stevens <diag...@iinet.net.au> 
>> wrote:
>> Thanks Daniel & Neil
>> The girl at Telstra told me I could port email addresses and they allowed 2 
>> free email accounts. I couldn’t see how it would work, takeovers are 
>> different, all the addresses move. I was extremely stressed at the time and 
>> she offered us a deal that sounded good, cheaper than our combined iiNet & 
>> Telstra accounts. I said we would think about it. After a coffee I realised 
>> she hadn’t given us any details, went back and asked her to email the 
>> details.
>> When I checked our present usage I realised the new plan did not have nearly 
>> enough volume especially as we are using streaming services more these days.
>> I had gone there to ask how much it would cost to unlock my prepaid Telstra 
>> phone. The  iiNet salesman had told me it would not need to be unlocked, 
>> just one of his lies. I was told the amount depended on how long I had been 
>> using it, which was hardly at all. She then went on to talk about something 
>> else and I forgot to get the price.
>> Today I rang Telstra and the girl unlocked it for nothing (I hope, haven’t 
>> tried yet). Tomorrow I shall install my iiNet SIM with my Vodaphone number 
>> (closing 2G network so my 18 year old Nokia has been pensioned off). 
>> We shall stay with iiNet, I already have a SIM for Graham’s Telstra number 
>> but can’t activate it until we get NBN (12 Jun according to Telstra) because 
>> of special deal on landlines. Have to find out if I can move Telstra phone 
>> number to our VoIP phone.
>> My main worry is problems with the NBN transition, we’re getting fibre to 
>> curb (yank spelling of kerb!) and being unable to understand what they say.
>> Thanks again and best wishes from Diana 
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On 15 Apr 2018, at 6:51 pm, Neil Houghton <n...@possumology.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Daniel, Hi Diana,
>>> I've been with Internode ever since I moved from Bigpond dial-up to ADSL 
>>> broadband back in 2007.
>>> I must admit I was worried when Internode was bought by iiNet and then 
>>> iiNet was bought by TPG - however, I continue to be impressed by their 
>>> service. Of course with a good reliable internet provider it is rare for me 
>>> to actually NEED the support but I had cause just over a week ago when my 
>>> internet connection just stopped working.
>>> I got to talk to an intelligent support person and we got to methodically 
>>> work through the problem and agree that since my phone connection was 
>>> working and we had ADSL sync OK but no PPP sign -in, and I could duplicate 
>>> this problem on two different modems, that there must be a fault on 
>>> Internode's end. The fault was logged and I was given a ticket reference in 
>>> case I needed to follow up. As it was the fault was fixed (or fixed itself) 
>>> several hours later and all was back to normal.
>>> As I say, it is not often I need to deal with them but, when I do, they 
>>> have been unfailingly helpful - whether it has been changing 
>>> plans/services, changing billing methods or technical problems - I get to 
>>> deal with pleasant, efficient and informed personnel.
>>> Just my 2c worth - I am all too happy to complain about the frequent poor 
>>> service I find nowadays so it is nice to be able to also report on really 
>>> good customer service when I get it ;o)
>>> Cheers
>>> Neil
>>> -- 
>>> Neil R. Houghton
>>> Albany, Western Australia
>>> Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
>>> Email: n...@possumology.com
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: <wamug.org.au-wamug-boun...@lists.wamug.org.au> on behalf of Daniel 
>>> Kerr <dan...@macwizardry.com.au>
>>> Reply-To: WAMUG <wamug@wamug.org.au>
>>> Date: Sunday, 15 April 2018 at 18:12
>>> To: WAMUG <wamug@wamug.org.au>
>>> Subject: Re: Changing ISP and porting email address
>>> Hi Diana
>>> You can’t really “port” an email address to another ISP. When you change 
>>> ISP’s you will get a new one.
>>> With iinet, you can pay them $25 per year per email address to “keep” those 
>>> email addresses. So if you have 2 email addresses you want to keep, then 
>>> you’d be paying them $50 per year to keep the iinet address.
>>> But Telstra can’t take those email addresses to them. They can only stay 
>>> with iinet.
>>> So you’d either need to keep the addresses for a year or so, and tell 
>>> people your “new” email addresses, or carry on paying every year to iinet 
>>> for them. This is why some people a) stick with their ISP to keep their 
>>> email address or b) go for a “non-ISP” address (e.g. iCloud.com or 
>>> gmail.com, hotmail etc). That way they then have the email address 
>>> “forever”.
>>> I think a lot of people have on and off problems with iinet (myself 
>>> included), but when my NBN comes, I’m staying with them for now. I’ll wait 
>>> to the mess that is NBN is hopefully sorted out and then see what it’s 
>>> like. I’m working on the “better the devil you know” theory,….lol. I keep 
>>> Telstra for my mobile, but I don’t want my internet with them. But I don’t 
>>> think there’s a “fantastic” ISP out there really. They all seem to have 
>>> problems here and there (which I can understand), but I don’t think any one 
>>> ISP is that much better then anyone. I think all the “great” ISP’s got 
>>> gobbled up by larger companies. And service went out the window……… 
>>> (service? We can’t afford to factor that into our plans,..don’t be silly! 
>>> lol).
>>> (Yes, sometimes you get the right person and it’s OK,…..other times it’s a 
>>> great big mess). More to do with moving support centres all overseas I 
>>> think. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could do the same. Oh, a problem with the 
>>> bill? Sorry you’ll need to talk to our support centre,…they’re overseas. 
>>> They only work 10mins a day once a week, every other day. Leave a message 
>>> and they’ll get back to you,….sometime. Maybe. Perhaps. Hard to say).  :) 
>>> hehe.
>>> So long story short…..
>>> If you want to keep the emails, you’d need to ask iinet to swap you to an 
>>> “email only account” once you’ve changed to the new provider - then pay per 
>>> each email per year.
>>> Kind regards
>>> Daniel
>>> Sent from my iPhone 7
>>> ---
>>> Daniel Kerr
>>> MacWizardry
>>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>>> Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
>>> Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
>>> **For everything Apple**
>>> NOTE: Any information provided in this email may be my personal opinion and 
>>> as such should be taken accordingly, and may not be the views of 
>>> MacWizardry. Any information provided does not offer or warrant any form of 
>>> warranty or accept liability. It would be appreciated that if any 
>>> information in this email is to be disseminated, distributed or copied, 
>>> that permission by the author be requested. 
>>>> On 15 Apr 2018, at 4:00 pm, Diana & Graham Stevens <diag...@iinet.net.au> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Can someone tell me where to find information on porting email addresses, 
>>>> the preparation for it and how the process works please? We want to take 
>>>> two accounts one imap, one pop.
>>>> We are thinking of abandoning iiNet after 21.75 years and moving to 
>>>> Telstra. I had planned to move our phone services in the opposite 
>>>> direction in order to save money until I was ‘sold a pup’ by some rotter 
>>>> in South Africa. Having lied to me and wasted my money he became 
>>>> incommunicado. When I complained via their website I got no answer.
>>>> Telstra will be more expensive but it has the advantage that I can get the 
>>>> bus to the Telstra store, I have trouble on the phone with their accents 
>>>> and my hearing.
>>>> Best wishes to all from Diana
>>>> Sent from my iPad
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