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----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

> In a message dated 12/6/01 1:37:55 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
> << If I go to the nearest little resturant in the neibourhood, the whole 
> thing takes only twenty minutes. I like that better. >>
> __________________________________________________
> That is the one thing I think I would like about living in a city. To be able 
> to walk to a little restraurant, or corner store ... Especially in a place as 
> lovely as Denmark.

--Close enogh. I live in a small Swedish town, but within sight of the Capital of 
Denmark: Copenhagen. Across the Öresund sound.

Reasently a bridge for both cars and trains was completed (a year ago) between 
Copenhagen and Malmö (30 miles south of here). Now is planned a train tunnel between 
the danish town Helsingör and the swedish town Helsingborg. (15 miles north) The 
investigation is helped by funds from EU.

Yes, I live in a small town, but still in the middle of it all. And a supermarket 
excists in the same block, the library in the next. Bus station a few blocks away with 
connections to any part of this south part of Sweden, as well as the main part of 
Denmark with it's Capital Copenhagen. My small appartement has an advantage: it's too 
small to get lost in, and to cheap to ruin me. On the contrary. It gives me money left 
for other things. I live on the 5:th floor but my wiew is, 2.5 floors down, the roof 
of an old cinema (not very beatiful, but you can't get everything). On the other hand: 
it's very calm here as the sound of the city traffic is kept out. A good place that 
leave me time to think.

§( :8-)

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