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----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

> In a message dated 12/6/01 6:36:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
> << You'r on your own as we always have been and always will be. >>
> ________________________________________
> You maybe -- not me.
> But your statements give rise to a whole range of possibilities ... like:
> Amazing DNA, how sweet the sound,
> that mutated a wretch like me ...
> or
> We gather together to ask the DNA's blessing,
> It hastens and enables our mutation to occur.
> or
> Praise DNA from whom all blessings flow
> Praise it all mutated creatures here below.
> or (and this is sure to reach #1 on the Hit Parade)
> Hark! The DNA molecules ring
> giving us another fin -- ger
> Crass evolution now I see
> Ooops! I just grew a honeybee's stin -- ger
> LG

You are quite a poet. However prayers to DNA gives no more real resul that prayers to 
any ting else. Prayers are like wishes. DNA will keep change all living thing in the 
future as it has in the past anyway with or without prayers. If it is not the DNA that 
change the living cells - why are those greedy companies so eager to redesign the DNA 
and patent the changed result?

§( :8-)

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