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Well IMHO its part the system and partly the people. First despite plenty of
money to fund art exhibits of severed penisis or bottles of semen or artist
urine there is limited money to support disadvantaged citizens. So misplaced
Government priorities may be a problem. Economical decisions when handling
personal income may play a huge part. A huge part of many peoples debt is in
financed items, credit cards. This coupled to the fact that many people live
paycheck to paycheck means when an economic crisis appears many people are
only a paycheck or two away from the street. It is almost axiomatic here
that the more you make the more you spend. This spells disaster for those
that donot or cannot save. Ahigh percentage of even the poor enjoy a
passable standard of living thanks to the churches,  food banks, various
welfare programs but some sad to say do fall though the cracks. Many of them
are mentally ill and we do have a lot to answer for in the abominable lack
of care for our mentally ill. Mental hospitals were basically abolished in
the 50s and 60s due to several sensational TV documentary reports on
intolerable conditions 60 minutes had a very influential report. So instead
of fixing the problems it was deemed cheaper to drug em up and turn them
loose. Well, I've drifted but by and large in the cities least if someone
needs shelter clothing and or a meal they are available. In the countryside
particularly the paternalistic Government Indian reservations many native
Americans live in abject squalor and not much is being done about that.
Rural blacks have some similar problems. Low income housing is in short
supply and the conditions can be squalid. Crime and drugs rampant Jobs can
be hard to find for Minority poor Americans as many of then refuse to
assimilate and will not be hired by business people conscious of their image
to the public. Couple this with the fact many of theses minorities do not
value education as much as they should leads to an ever deepening circle of
dependence and economic futility Jim
----- Original Message -----
From: "Claes Persson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 4:08 PM
Subject: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

> ============================================================
> PRACTICE A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS!  For a limited time send
> 12 Candy Cane Roses, we'll include a glass vase - $10
> value! Proflowers.com is QUICK, EASY, and AFFORDABLE....
> click NOW:
> http://click.topica.com/caaaeHnb1dhdKb2MYdTa/Proflowers
> ============================================================
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 4:06 PM
> Subject: Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....
> > In a message dated 12/6/01 6:36:43 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > << You are living in the biggest economy in the world that still has
> > poor people than Europe. The taxes and for example the price of gas is
> > of that in Europe. Where has it gone wrong? >>
> > ______________________________________
> > Where has it gone wrong? You've allowed yourselves to be convinced that
> > require cradle to grave care by your governments, instead of learning to
> > stand on your own feet and make your own way in the world. And the price
> > all this is taxes so high you can't even take of breath of air without
> > government permission.
> >
> > LG
> ___________________________________________________
> I meant: where has it gone wrong in the USA when you cant make sure that
every citizen at least have a deasent way of living in spite of so low
prises on many commodities?
> ___________________________________________________
> ============================================================
> Proflowers.com Holiday Special! Get a FREE glass vase
> ($9.99 value!) when you send one dozen Candy Cane Roses
> for just $29.99! Guaranteed fresh for 7 days!
> http://click.topica.com/caaaeHob1dhdKb2MYdTf/Proflowers
> ============================================================
> ___________________________________________________________
> Check out http://clik.to/sf for other lists to join.
> A93MR48T18

Proflowers.com Holiday Special! Get a FREE glass vase
($9.99 value!) when you send one dozen Candy Cane Roses
for just $29.99! Guaranteed fresh for 7 days!

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