Then how game know to use files?  If I understand what you say, you
talk about direct replacement for current files correct?

What about some of these that use the hash for name?  How to tell
game to use that  hash filename?  Does it not need to be defines

Also reading berlios, I think that this means that wrf files
control what is loaded I think.
But how he convert the wrf files to do this?  Or was (is?) there a
newer version of wdgload or something else that handles this?

I sent e-mail to Qamly's address in logs, that address, it didn't
bounce, so I think account is still alive.  Maybe he can help?

I am trying to do gates mod to work with wz as small test for mods.
I think gates will be nice in wz!

you need to modify the sp/mp piestats.wrf located in wrf/ or mp/wrf/

for example,to make the game load 'mypie.pie' in structs folder:

1.find 'directory "structs"' in piestats.wrf
2.add 'file  IMD "mypie.pie"' between 'directory "structs"' and the next
'directory "somefolder"' line
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