---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Per Inge Mathisen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jul 11, 2007 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Warzone-dev] [patch] to allow 8bit text chars
To: Development list <warzone-dev@gna.org>

On 7/11/07, Martin Koller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I found that the files which define which other resource files to load are
> the ".wrf" files.
> E.g. fontend.wrf contains
> directory       "messages/strings"
> file            STR_RES "strings.txt"
> file            STR_RES "names.txt"
> Which means: currently there is no translation foreseen, as the parser just
> looks up exactly what is given here.
> I'd like to modify the loading code so that one can - optionally - include
> translations to all resourcefiles; which shall not limit the translation to
> strings but shall also allow one to translate the speech files, etc.
> So I propose to modify resLoadFile() to not only check for the given file as
> given, but it shall also try to locate the file below a directory named 
> the current locale, e.g.
> resLoadFile() shall check for
> <locale-name>/messages/strings/strings.txt
> and if that does not exist, fall back to:
> messages/strings/strings.txt
> Whereby <locale-name> shall either be getlocale(LC_MESSAGES, 0) (e.g.
> de_AT.UTF-8) or probably I shall check also/only for the language part ("de"
> in this example)
> I'll implement this and will come up with a patch.
> If you think this approach is completely nonsens, please tell me.

I think this is a bad way of doing it, since it introduces a second
system for translation, and extra files to keep updated, with no clear
system of finding out when they are out of sync. Instead, let us
modify the txt format slightly, so that it accepts and ignores _()
around text, and let the txt file loader run gettext on every string
it loads.

   - Per


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