Am Montag, 22. September 2008 11:08:33 schrieb Per Inge Mathisen:
> On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Dennis Schridde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > I'd like to hear your opinions, ideas, insights.
> > Maybe you've got a different/better idea how to prevent long times of
> > silence between releases?
> I like the current way, and do not think we can manage to create
> releases so "rock solid" that we do not later wish to create bug fix
> releases to silence the critics and get less bug reports.
My "rock stable" was targeting at the bugfix releases. ;)
But yes, I thought about that too. Some bugs just *will* slip through and 
might annoy people. My idea was to just ignore that and go on with the next 
feature release. If someone cares about fixing those in older versions, he 
could of course backport and do an own release. The idea was to lift the 
burden of fixing bugs in old versions from the generic developer, so he has 
more time to work on new stuff.
In my dream-world, the x.y releases would come a lot more often than the x.y.z 
releases currently, which would make it less annoying.
Basically what we had in the 2.0 series, just leaving out the 0 from the 
version number.
At least we had full releases at all. And if we can put it onto more defined 
roads, I think the regression issues during the 2.0 series would not be 

> After 2.0 we had massive changes and resulting instability in the
> codebase, making a lot of things no longer work as well as they
> should. With the new commit guidelines, hopefully this will no longer
> happen ;-)
"after 2.0" means "in what is going to be 2.1"?

Commit guidelines: Should it include savegame-versioning (I think that is 
possible with the .gam format, right?), backwards compatibility, etc?


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