Hello Kamaze, hi everyone else!

Am Mittwoch, 4. März 2009 14:43:25 schrieb Kamaze:
> We have the FMVs now for quite a while, how is the status about
> inlcuding them in one the the next releases (2.2 Series?)?
They currently live on the Gna servers to be downloaded on-demand by the 
Windows installer. (Or by distro packagers.)
They will definitely be in, and the current method of distribution (credits go 
to Giel) seems to work.
There have been discussions to include them in SVN, but this was rejected, 
because they are quite big, and not everyone wants to download such a chunk 
whenever a movie changes. (Does someone have the stats ready? Average 
filesize, etc?)
Freddie wanted to reencode the videos when the new Theora encoder is final, 
which should improve the quality a lot. They would be reuploaded to Gna when 
that happened. (Whoever will do this: Please do not replace the file directly, 
but add another one with increased version number. Reason: Distro packagers.)

> Also, I think there is a need to polish the windows installer a little
> bit. My opinion is, that we shouldn't deliver 3rd party mods with the
> default installer at all. (Excepting AIvolution)
Till now we had no issues with this. Some mods even live in svn, and I do not 
think that there are a lot of serious issues with this either.
And then: Why should Aivolution be special in this regard? When does a mod 
become "official"? When the creator is also a WZ developer? Does he have to be 
active? What type of contributions do count as "development"? ...
Summary: As long as no issues arrise from that type of distribution, we should 
stick with it.

> Otherwise we might run into conflict that all people want to get their
> mod shipped with the installer.
Our issue is rather that there are no people developing mods, and not so much 
that we are overrun by the crowds.

> I think that we should outsource this
> into a dedicated application (something like a map/mod manager) which
> should be included with the game and takes care of installing, deleting
> and updating the installed mods and maps.
You wrote it? Or are at least going to do it in a reasonable timeframe?

> Also, is there maybe the possibility to distribute Warzone on linux on
> our own again? The versions delivered by most distributions seem to be
> outdated most of the time, which seems to be - at least for online play
> - bad, or?
The one in Gentoo is quite current... ;)
Arch is probably the same. Ubuntu crawled a bit, but that's nothing new.
Maybe you should show some stats for the major distros, so we have some ground 
for discussion.

> I remember that there where some issues with Autopackage and Mojo in the
>  past, what is about packages which require no installation at all? Like
> this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klik_(packaging_method)
There were not issues with neither AutoPackage nor MojoSetup, I think. At 
least no serious ones.
I do not remember anymore why I switched from AutoPackage to MojoSetup. Maybe 
because Ryan wrote it... Or because it is Lua scriptable? Or because AP 
development became rather slow, seemingly unmaintained. Really: No clue.
What is an issue with every such custom installer is that it is highly 
unlikely to match the libs of every distribution. That we have very little 
constraint on the version of the libraries we are using does not mean that a 
build of WZ made on one machine will run on another. There are ABI 
incompatibilities which make packaging a pain.
The AutoPackage buildtools helped a bit here, but were no magic solution 
The last thing I remember me doing was building on an ssh account on someone 
else's Debian machine... The resulting build would not run on Gentoo, and 
probably not on at least one of SuSE, Fedora, Mandriva, Arch, <insert your 
distro here>.
This cannot really be solved by using Hip-New-System, whichever you will show 


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