2009/3/4 Dennis Schridde <devuran...@gmx.net>
> They currently live on the Gna servers to be downloaded on-demand by the
> Windows installer. (Or by distro packagers.)
> They will definitely be in, and the current method of distribution (credits go
> to Giel) seems to work.

Last time I installed trunk (a week and a half ago), they weren't
downloaded by the installer at all. Is it currently implemented like
the music? I think the music download should be implemented better -
it shouldn't be downloaded if it already has been downloaded and
hasn't changed since then (I hate having to uncheck "install music"
each time I update Warzone so I don't have to wait for a slow Gna!
server to send me the music files again).

Heck, right now, I don't even know how the sequences are supposed to
be packaged. The only way I've managed to get them to work without
having them unpacked is either packaging them within warzone.wz, or
putting sequences.wz in mods/global/autoload/. Putting sequences.wz in
the main Warzone directory just causes Warzone to ignore it.

> Till now we had no issues with this. Some mods even live in svn, and I do not
> think that there are a lot of serious issues with this either.
> And then: Why should Aivolution be special in this regard? When does a mod
> become "official"? When the creator is also a WZ developer? Does he have to be
> active? What type of contributions do count as "development"? ...
> Summary: As long as no issues arrise from that type of distribution, we should
> stick with it.

Well, Aivolution is different because it doesn't change game balance,
nor models, nor anything like that; it simply improves the AI.

> The one in Gentoo is quite current... ;)
> Arch is probably the same. Ubuntu crawled a bit, but that's nothing new.
> Maybe you should show some stats for the major distros, so we have some ground
> for discussion.

Well, the one in the Ubuntu repositories for intrepid (the current
version) is 2.1-beta4. Older versions have ridiculously old svn builds
(r3595 and r1436). The next version of Ubuntu that hasn't been
released yet has 2.1.0.

- Zarel

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