On 5/8/09, Zarel <zarelxxx...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/5/8 bugs buggy <buginxxx...@gmail.com>:
> > Check the lua branch.  Most all these script issues will be fixed with
>  > lua, once we get that up and running.
>  > AFAIK, Gerard did have AIV at least partially converted.
> Does Lua fix the BecomePrey issues? If so, why not just replace it
>  with BecomePrey?
>  BecomePrey was designed for 1.10, and Aiv was designed for 2.1, and
>  2.2 balance is _much_ more similar to 1.10 than 2.1. Plus, I've heard
>  that BecomePrey is overall a much better AI than Aiv - many have
>  mentioned that BecomePrey is hard to beat at the lowest settings,
>  while Aiv can be beaten by spamming flamers on lowest pretty easily.

Nobody has converted BP to lua yet.

The main issue with BP is that it passes bad values, which cause
asserts.  Obviously this doesn't happen in release builds.

Moving everything toward lua makes it easier to debug these kinds of
errors, since with the current system, it is very difficult, if not
down right painful to traceback to the troublemaker.

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