On 5/8/09, Per Inge Mathisen <per.xx...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Zarel <zare...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  > BecomePrey was designed for 1.10, and Aiv was designed for 2.1, and
>  > 2.2 balance is _much_ more similar to 1.10 than 2.1. Plus, I've heard
>  > that BecomePrey is overall a much better AI than Aiv - many have
>  > mentioned that BecomePrey is hard to beat at the lowest settings,
>  > while Aiv can be beaten by spamming flamers on lowest pretty easily.
> Note that these "balance" issues have almost entirely to do with the
>  given selection of droid templates that each AI has, and almost
>  nothing whatsoever to do with the AI script code itself.
>  Changing the droid templates for an AI script is pretty trivial. If
>  the templates for AIV are so bad (which sounds quite probable), we can
>  just replace them with the templates for trunk AI.
>   - Per

Yes, it is trivial, but since so much has been changed in terms of the
'rebalance', I am not ever sure the original templates would be of any
It would have to be a custom job.

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