On 10/4/09, Zarel <zarexx...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 5:44 PM, bugs buggy <buginato...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  > Hey all, the current plan is to release 2.2.4 (or 2.3.0--which ever
>  > version # wins) next weekend, most likely Saturday night/ Sunday
>  > morning.
>  >
>  > If you have fixes/changes, then please get them in now, or wait for
>  > the next release.
> D: D: D:
>  We are not rushing out a netcode-imcompatible release that soon, no no no!

Why?   Look at the code, it isn't that complex in what it does, and
now that it is in both trunk & branch/2.2, we can have plenty of
testing  before the release of the next version next week...  Hear
that testers?  We need your help :)

In case everyone is confused on how this works, if host starts a game
with ntw mod, they would do --mod_mp ntw (if from source) or --mod_mp
ntw.wz then that loads the ntw mod.  Now when they host, all players
*must* also have --mod_mp ntw  or --mod_mp ntw.wz (depending if they
are running from source or not) and then, once in game, it checks the
data, and kicks everyone who doesn't have matching data.

If host just starts a normal game with no mods, and a player is using
a mod, the data check will see this, and kick the player(s).

Like I said, this isn't really that complicated, and it was in
Pumpkin's original codebase + a few changes so it runs on all

Anyway, I will be back next week.

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