Christian Ohm wrote:
> On Wednesday, 11 August 2010 at 20:23, Kreuvf wrote:
>> Why do we need this?
> Because all talk about a private Pootle (or similar) installation fell on deaf
> ears.
I've never seen such talk, but I don't read any forums except the internal ones
regularly :X And still I wonder what we need this for. Perhaps that fell on deaf
ears, because it's just not needed? I mean... aren't translations one of the few
areas of this project that work extremely well?

And please don't get me wrong: I am deeply convinced that translations can only
be good (aka consistent) as long as there is one maintainer. I've already been
through this "everybody can edit translations like stupid" shit at Launchpad
(translation suggestions wouldn't be any better). It just did not work out
(apart from the drawbacks of Launchpad): People would just drop in, translate or
change some strings (quality doesn't increase necessarily...) and then you may
never hear from them again. And in the end the maintainer will just go with the
old version. The only thing that causes is more management overhead, so much
more that it cannot be justified by the increase in translation quality (if 

>> Hasn't the benevolent dictator model worked out well?
> You mean the "one person getting more and more annoyed because people can't
> read and nobody else cares" model?
Please explain this allusion, because I do not get it.

>> Most important question: Why should we trust transifex?
>> Especially since that site is an interesting target (getting commit access to
>> whatever number of repositories transifex has access to) for attackers.
> It should only ever touch files in po/. As long as it does, I'll trust it.
Of course you cannot trust it anymore, when something different than a file in
/po is touched, but that does not give any reason for why to trust it at all.
That way it's like: You trust it without a reason as long as you have a reason
to mistrust it.

Interesting questions: What would be if transifex has been around for a year and
people are more or less using it and then such an incident happens? Would you
vote for the immediate and permanent ban of transifex?

- Kreuvf

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