On Thursday, 12 August 2010 at 19:09, Kreuvf wrote:
> So, since you already started that experiment, let's go and see where that 
> leads
> us. First thing: The FAQ misses yet another question (or it's just me not 
> asking
> _frequently_ asked questions): With transifex in place can you still edit po
> files by hand and commit them or are you forced to use whatever solution they
> decide is best for you (web-based? *shiver*)?

It is optional, or I wouldn't have considered it.

> Well, I registered there, guess the username :P

And you're the German coordinator now! Congratulations!

Now we just need someone to be your underling, to see how it works (maybe I'll
add another test account for that). I'm not sure how access works, I hope the
coordinator can add people, then review their translations and commit them
(either through the web interface, or direct commits), and possibly give them
commit rights.

> > Transifex.net is the main showcase product of Indifex.com. They have a 
> > monetary
> > interest in not having it get compromised.
> The same is true for Flash and Adobe...

Well, Adobe is well-known already, and they have other prominent products, like
Photoshop. Also, Windows people tend to care less about security issues...

> When I registered at transifex I wondered why the registration isn't done
> encrypted. I was glad to see that (at least) signing in is encrypted just to
> see that after the login things are unencrypted again, changing password,
> too. Seems their monetary interest in not being compromised isn't that
> strong...

Having user accounts compromised in this case, while earlier you were talking
about having the Sourceforge etc. transifex accounts themselves compromised.
Though for both I don't see much use for an attacker (but then, I never was
interested in hacking stuff), since normal users can't access much more than
translations, and if the transifex user does suspicious things, it should
become immediately apparent.

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