The attempt to do a partial merging of Qt branch into master ran into
some problems that required major surgery of master in order to work.
The question was posed if we should be spending so much time fixing up
master, when we could just be focusing our efforts on making the Qt
branch work instead. That is, merge Qt branch into master and go full
steam ahead.

I now think this is the way to go.

This will have some consequences, like not being able to aim for a
stable release from master in a while, but if we are serious about the
map renderer needing a rewrite first anyway, that is what we would be
looking at at any rate.

So this is the plan I suggest then:

 * We merge Qt branch into master immediately.
 * First order of priority is to convert over to a new savegame and
map format. I am working on this, but I need help, especially with
review, evaluation and testing.
 * We need a way for users to convert old maps to the new format. I
will write a command-line app to do it, and Fastdeath has offered to
set up a php service for it, using that app.
 * Once a new map format is ready, we can start experimenting with a
new map renderer. Of course, these things go together, so I assume
that the new map format will have a few revisions before it is
 * The new map renderer should use shaders, but not require as much
hardware as the current. Consider this statement ironical? Only if you
have made a habit out of thinking that poor drivers mean weak
hardware. But lots of recent weak/cheap hardware now have quite decent
OpenGL ES 2 drivers. The new map renderer needs to be fast,
maintainable, and extensible.
 * Meanwhile, we also need to get rid of the old scripting system, and
I am on the way there with the QtScript port. I am hoping that I can
concentrate on this, while someone else have a go at the map renderer.
This task does not need to be finished before stable release, but the
new script API should be stable by then.
 * QtGame (support for resolution changing) needs to be finished.
 * Finally, we should be looking at utilizing Qt for making a new GUI,
like we were thinking with betawidget. This task also does not need to
be finished before stable release.

Other items that would be nice to have before a stable release:
 * Login support for the game and masterserver.
 * Observers.
 * Replay.
 * Support for adding additional campaigns (in menu, as mod without
screwing up original campaign).

Ok, comments.

  - Per

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