On Tuesday, 26 April 2011 at 23:05, Per Inge Mathisen wrote:
> I still remember lua branch, qt branch, netsync branch, and terrain
> branch that festered like bad wounds while we struggled with lack of
> testing and little idea what to do with them until they were merged
> more or less untested (less true for netsync than the others, but it
> still had a long way to go after merging). I do not believe this is a
> silver bullet.

A wip integration branch where all feature branches get merged together with
git's better merge support should help there.  Though yes, too long lived
branches might also not work well with this model (or our spaghetti code).

And I'm open to other proposals, I'm not saying this is the one true way to do
things. It is just a way that seems to work well for others.

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