On 4/24/11, Christian Ohm <chr....@gmx.net> wrote:
> On Sunday, 24 April 2011 at 10:04, Per Inge Mathisen wrote:
>> This will have some consequences, like not being able to aim for a
>> stable release from master in a while,
> I've wondered if the concept of "stable release" is actually useful for us.
> Looking at 2.3, it seems to languish mostly, while people work on new stuff.

I am of the same opinion, 'stable release' is a misnomer.

> So, proposal for a more git-like workflow:
> -1. Get master into a reasonably stable state.
> 0. New features are developed in feature branches. Bugfixes to a specific
> feature go into the feature branch as well, even after it got merged.
> (Generally, merges go only in one direction, no back-merges from master into
> other branches.)
> 1. Merge feature branches deemed ready.
> 2. Test and get them really ready.
> 3. Release.
> 4. Goto 1.
> That way new features get released reasonably quickly, and we don't have to
> keep
> care of an outdated release branch. Also, work on features doesn't
> destabilize
> master before they're merged, and if they do after merging, they can be
> unmerged
> relatively easy again.
> Could maybe be enhanced with a wip branch where all currently worked on
> feature
> branches get merged regularly, to see how they work together. If a bugfix
> release is needed before the next "proper" release, it can just be branched
> from
> the release as needed.
>>  * We merge Qt branch into master immediately.
> No objections from me.

Right, that is mostly what we do, or have done in the past, is it not ?

The issue(s) are that we have no good way to test things, and things
slip through the cracks.

There was a ton of changes done to get the netcode working, then a ton
more changes to get Qt integrated, and a ton of changes before either
of those that never was really widely tested.

This leaves us with what we have now.
One huge codebase that needs lots of fixing to get back to working
order for both SP & MP--however, I feel that MP is more or less
working, so doing MP only releases will get more people playing those
releases, since the vast majority of our userbase is using 2.3.X.
Doing a MP only release (no SP/skirmish), we don't have to worry about
savegames, and we can see how well the netcode is working (which still
hasn't been widely tested).

Once all this stuff is stabilized, then we can go back to the 'old
way'--though, we still have no good way to test things.

The main issues I see are:
Script system
Rendering / map format
Mac issues / 0 mac developers.

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