Cheryl D. Wise wrote:

It can be a percentage or it can be a combination of fixed and percent. The
reason we went with a fixed size is because we needed a minimum size for the
content div and unfortunately IE doesn't support min-width or max-width. At
this point only Mozilla based browsers reliably support those css

Thanks, I agree a fixed width is better. IE doesn't seem to render %'s as well as the other browsers.

BTW, I'm just down the street from you at my dad's in Orange County this

What! nobody in their right mind that doesn't have to work in Orange County goes there at all during the week or even weekends. It's the 3 hour drive problem. Traffic is so very slow, bumper to bumper, it takes at lease 3 hours to get from Riverside to Orange County let alone Los Angeles.

Where does your Dad live in Orange County? Aren't you going to Europe? You're going to visit your Dad first?


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