Before anyone gets the wrong idea from my last response to
Abigail, I have the greatest respect for Abigail and her
skills, knowledge, and integrity.  On most points, she and I
are generally of the same opinion.  I may disagree with her
on this particular point, but we are looking at it from two
entirely different perspectives - she from a corporate
administrative view and I from a personal home user view. I
just wanted to make that clear up front. :)

Abigail, you make excellent points.  I still believe that
MailWasher Pro has a more sophisticated bouncing engine than
the free version and that the articles you previously pointed
me to were written about the free version - MailWasher Pro
really hasn't even been out that long.

I also don't believe bouncing the message back to the 'sender'
does any harm to the SMTP server.  And no, MailWasher Pro does
not send the message back to MailWasher for 'processing'.  It
creates the 'bounced' message on my computer, uses my mail
servers for sending them, and does not send it if the address is
found to be or suspected to be fraudulent.

I, too, use my own email client - you use The Bat!, I use Eudora -
to read and respond to messages.  What I was saying about MailWasher
Pro is that you can have a 'preview' pane open directly below your
'spreadsheet-like' listing of the headers.  When MailWasher Pro
downloads the headers, it grabs the first 21 lines of the message.
That way, you only have to click a header to see the beginning of
the message to determine if it is something you want or not.  Sure,
you can click a button to have it retrieve the entire text of the
message if you like, but it doesn't do it automatically.

I also agree with you that reporting spam is the 'practical' way of
dealing with it - I don't have that much time to spend reporting it
constantly, though.  MailWasher Pro gives me a psychological boost
by giving me the feeling that I am shoving it back at them "where the
sun don't shine".  Sure, by turning my error reporting off and not
seeing the list of all those that *didn't* get bounced, it's a
false presumption, but it still *feels good*!

Now another example of *personal* experience.  Sure, it could just
as well be nothing more than coincidence, but it's an awfully big
coincidence, if it is!

I began getting the SoBig.F worm bounces at a rate of around a
dozen per hour or more around 10:a.m. Tuesday morning.  For the first
30 hours or so, I merely deleted them with MailWasher Pro from my
server without ever having to take the time to download the 30 meg
or better of infected files.

At around 5:p.m. last evening, I was getting tired of it!  I decided
to start bouncing the bounces back to the bouncers!  I bet you
gasped at that, huh?! ;-)  I didn't really think it would do any
good... after all, I was just bouncing them back to another MAILER-
DAEMON, wasn't I?  Actually, some had that, others had "Postmaster",
and still others had something like "Notification" in the "From:"

Anyway, to make a long story short, I got maybe 25 more bounces
between when I started bouncing them back and Midnight last night
when I went to bed.  I bounced them back.  I awoke at 6:a.m. this
morning, expecting to see another 70 or 80 bounces waiting for me
like the morning before.  Guess what?  There were only six!!!  I
bounced those six back and since six o'clock this morning (it's now
8:35 p.m.) I have NOT received a single additional SoBig.F bounce!!!

MailWasher SKUNKS SoBig.F 331 to 0 ! ! ! ! !

I just thought SoBig was winding down until I heard on the 6:p.m. news
this evening that it was running stronger today than yesterday!  Now
tell me that's a coincidence!  You can tell me it is, but I won't
believe it! :)

Yes, I'm a big fan and believer in MailWasher Pro - it has more than
paid for itself in the time it has saved me and I will continue to
use it in the way that appears to be working for me.  I never try to
sell anything I haven't tried myself and found useful.  I believe so
strongly in the usefulness of MailWasher Pro, that I promote it every
chance I get!  My spam to good email ratio has dropped from 5 or 6
spams to 1 good, down to around 1 or 2 spams to 1 good. Either
MailWasher Pro is doing what it claims to be doing or the spammers
are slowing down!  Anyone else believe that spammers are slowing?
The numbers speak for themselves,


At 04:25 PM 08/21/2003 -0700, you wrote:
On Thursday, August 21, 2003, 2:59:15 PM, Cyberspace Publishing commented:

CP> Abigail, I would tend to agree with you except for one fact that
CP> I cannot ignore - since I changed the "From:" address for the
CP> bouncing, my spam has *noticeably* decreased!

I do REAL bouncing at the server level, and I don't
particularly see decreases as a result of bounces. That is,
my logs are still showing spam email to addresses that have
been disabled and returning "user unknown" for years.  So I
think your experience is anecdotal -- it may be true for
you, but that doesn't mean it works for others.

CP> I flag everyone I want to receive email from as "Friend" - including CP> everyone in lists I belong to. Everyone else gets bounced - period. :)

You are looking at this issue from the standpoint of being
an email recipient. I am looking at it from the standpoint
of running an SMTP server for a company doing business
internationally and seeing what goes through. Obviously, in
my position, your friend-only regimen doesn't work.  Bottom
line, most of our paying clients start out as strangers; a
lot of them send email to us from hotmail or yahoo accounts,
and many even have have weird names with numbers after them.
AOL is also a big source of paying customers for us. The
last thing we want to do is "blacklist" or "bounce" a
potential customer. And since we are an international
business, we DO get REAL email from Brazil, Russia, China,

I am also using Mailwasher (the free version) to check
questionable mail coming through our server as well as my
personal email. That is, my spam filtering software sends
email that is possible spam to a POP box called Spam - I
check Spam with Mailwasher - and I rescue any false
positives by downloading them to my email program and then
redirecting them to the appropriate user.

CP> If you haven't looked at MailWasher Pro, and are still using the free
CP> version, you might want to try the 30 day trial.

No, it really doesn't sound like it offers anything I need.
You certainly haven't mentioned anything that sounds
enticing, so I'm inclined to stick with what I've got.

CP> MailWasher Pro puts the 'preview' pane directly
CP> below the header list pane, so it's a simple matter to quickly check
CP> an email and determine if it is spam or not.

If I want to READ the email, my email program does that,
plus has sophisticated filtering abilities that far outclass
Mailwasher. The reason I use Mailwasher is that I like the
neat, uncluttered, spreadsheet-like layout.  The pictures of
the PRO interface basically don't look too encouraging to

CP> If it is - BOUNCED!

No, what happens is that you send it back to Mailwasher, and
they generate a message from their servers that might be
technically deemed a refusal, not a bounce. Some spammers
might remove names upon receiving that message, but they
aren't fooled -- I'm sure they can easily recognize a
Mailwasher bounce for what it is.

Again, as someone who deals with server administration, I
have no fondness whatsoever for excess bounce messages being
generated. I favor simply reporting the spammers for abuse
to appropriate places, and deleting the spam. If they have
spammed you they've spammed 10,000 other people, and rather
than 10,000 bounce messages, it makes more sense to pull the
plug on wherever they are mailing from.


-------------------------------------------------------- Try MailWasher Pro for 30 days, or grab MailWasher Free!

         Sell MailWasher Pro for 40% Commissions!

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