Thanks for sharing, Elisa, and for the links, Andrew and Brewnetty!

Elisa, I can relate to 'reporting yourself'!<G>  I use Mailwasher
religiously - I'm even an affiliate selling it - and I blacklisted
myself when I first got spam with my own address in the "From:"
field!  Now, if I can trace the originating IP# and can spare the
time, I turn them in - otherwise, I just delete them with MWPro.

These are in a whole different league!  Every one of them has a
different fake userID combined with my domain name in the "From:"
field and a spoofed IP# as the originating IP#.  I know that
sophisticated hackers can do this from Linux boxes (at least, I've
read that it can be done,) but I don't know if there is any way
of pinpointing the cowards.

I guess I'll just keep on bouncing them back to the bouncers
until they get tired of it or the original bouncers realize that
they aren't originating from my domain.


At 09:14 PM 11/25/2003 +0100, you wrote:
Dear Tom,

I so commiserate with you.  I remember the very first spam I got from
me.  I was so horrified I called my web host in the US (from France)
in tears.

They were very patient and explained everything like spoofing and IPs,
etc.  They said that was nothing I could do.

Well, actually, to make matter worse, I'd "Spam Copped" myself!!!

Before I got Mail Washer, I'd put an hour a day aside to "Spam Cop"
all my spams.  I did it automatically (cut, paste, send, delete, et
al...), so I didn't even realize I'd sent a Spam Cop report concerning
me to my very own ISP!

No wonder I was almost in tears.

Of course, my most important worry was "am I spamming other people?".
No I wasn't, the ISP's have these programs to deal with
[EMAIL PROTECTED] emails and they see right away it's a spoofer.

Thank goodness, I can just see me getting my Internet connection taken
away for spamming people.

I use Mail Washer now, but I still get once and awhile an email back saying
"[EMAIL PROTECTED] doesn't exist" ....must be me "spamming" people
again, darn it!

It's overwhelming, I know.

The group has given some great advice.  Now that
I use Mail Washer (DISCLAIMER : not tied in with them at all!), I just
bounce back emails.  However, when I do get a constant non-stop spam,
I get back on my Spam Cop.

Good luck,

Elisa Butler

P.S. Dear group, great spam info, it's already been filed away in my
"Kill Spammers" file.  I've had two run-ins with child porn spam, once
here and once with a client (who forwarded it to me because she was so

I even called the FBI in Washington (really, I was so shocked) and they just told me to report it
to my ISP. Great help.

Now I have these links in case it ever happens again (god forbid)
Thanks again for these links.

Spam sucks.

CP> Over the past several weeks, I've been getting 20 to 50 bounces CP> per day from spam sent out using fraudulently created fake names CP> and email addresses in the "From:" field - all *appearing* to be CP> addresses from my domain. None of the IP#'s point to my domain. CP> The "scum of the earth" spammer doing this is also obviously CP> spoofing the IP#'s somehow, as every one of the spams have different CP> originating IP#'s in the headers included with the bounced email. CP> They appear to be originating from all over the globe! There is no CP> consistency in the type of message or anything that would appear to CP> point to a definite origin.

CP> How do I fight against this?  How can one track down and stop such
CP> a lowdown, sewer-dwelling criminal?

CP> Tom Fosson

-------------------------------------------------------- Try MailWasher Pro for 30 days, or grab MailWasher Free!

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