At 10:40 PM 11/25/2003 -0800, you wrote:
. . . If it is any consolation, most ISP's now do use such
blocking, and more are doing doing this, which should cut
down on this problem over time. . .

I hear you Abigail. I use three ORDs, myself, which works for spam sent to *me*. :) Interestingly, Mailwasher Pro now (since version 3.2) just flags ORD spam for deletion only instead of both bouncing and deleting. A couple of added features do make it much more useful, though - especially the ability to handle 'aliases', which versions prior to 3.2 couldn't do. The statistics analysis is cute, but not of any practical use, AFAIAC.

Since most of the bounces come directly from AOL, I guess
that speaks volumes for their ability to block IP#s! ;-)

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