Trusz, Andrew wrote:
No you can't imagine that! Nobody is that depraved. This is a sustained,
decades long, group effort rooted in ever compounding bad decisions.

Oh, sure I can! I've developed along side too many MicroSoftHeads to not be able to imagine it. Glad you're not having to suffer that particular fate though :P

Think custom dlls, active-x required, no validation, and a bizarre locked
down version of IE6 (add the patch, remove the patch, reinstall the patch,
patch the patch). If it were internet and not intranet we'd be covered in

Been down that road before too... Scary place to browse :) That was at my last employers in fact. Before I left though, I'd whipped things into enough shape that I could get on the intranet with Mozilla if I faked the UA.

Oh since I haven't figured out (or even found) the new web based interface
for the list, I'll have to shoot the reply to the gmail box if that's ok?
I'm not subscribed from home.

Fine by me. Maybe Linda will pick this up though and let us all know where the new web based interface is... OH!!! And while I'm at it, does the new list software have an archive? We haven't had a roundup since 2002...

- Stephen

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