On 4/16/06, Portman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> My ASP script is working great (thanks again) but I find the e-mail
> comes out all on one line, like this:
>     Form Field Values realname : (name) email : (email)
> This is the code:
>     For Each obj in request.form
>     body = body & obj & " : " & request.form(obj) & vbCrLf
>     Next
>     body = body & ""
> Is there a way to make it appear all on separate lines, like so?
>     Realname: (name)
>     Email: (email)

Since nobody else has given this a go, I'll make a suggestion. Keep in
mind I only patch this stuff and really write in it, but I think this
would work:

body=body & obj & ":" & request.form(obj) & "&lt;br&gt;" &vbCrLf

Cheryl could probably nail it easily.


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