I don't loop though forms like that but it should work as Riva expects
assuming that the email is being sent as plain text. If it is being sent as
HTML then Drew's method would be correct to add the html line breaks.

Cheryl D. Wise
MS FrontPage MVP
Certified Professional Web Developer
Start to Web - online web design training
See http://starttoweb.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Drew Trusz  

On 4/16/06, Portman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> My ASP script is working great (thanks again) but I find the e-mail 
> comes out all on one line, like this:
>     Form Field Values realname : (name) email : (email)
> This is the code:
>     For Each obj in request.form
>     body = body & obj & " : " & request.form(obj) & vbCrLf
>     Next
>     body = body & ""
> Is there a way to make it appear all on separate lines, like so?
>     Realname: (name)
>     Email: (email)

Since nobody else has given this a go, I'll make a suggestion. Keep in mind
I only patch this stuff and really write in it, but I think this would work:

body=body & obj & ":" & request.form(obj) & "&lt;br&gt;" &vbCrLf

Cheryl could probably nail it easily.

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