I look forward to seeing this. As you know I am the director of the MS
in Computational Finance at DePaul and I have lots of contacts in the
Chicago banking industry.


On Mar 17, 3:07 am, SergeyPo <ser...@zarealye.com> wrote:
> Massimo,
> Regarding the killer app.
> I am finalizing the first version of financial risk management system
> for retail banking using your wonderful framework. I have not yet
> decided that I release it in open source (I defnitely have several
> clients willing to buy it so at least I should sell to them at first).
> Mine is not killer app of course, but as an example of what killer
> application could be I want to describe why I use web2py:
> - ease of use (I came after Rails, love Rails but web2py is just a
> pearl of simplicity and ease of learn);
> - Python language itself is a benefit, and ability to use rich Python
> libraries make development a breeze: I use matplotlib and numpy for
> math, reportlab for PDF, dot for graphs generating, glpsol for linear
> optimizing and many smaller libs are just easily glued to your app;
> - DAL with migrations which I combined with several Python
> introspection techniques make possible to express your data models
> really in one place, no config files, no data dictionary dependance,
> DRY with elegance (see example * below);
> - DB agnostic: some of my clients will use Oracle as they have enough
> money for that; others will use My- or PostgreSQL, and for demo
> versions I will give them SQLite version...  all in the same code and
> no effort from app developer;
> - platform agnostic (develop on Mac, use on Windows) and possibility
> to market application as server based or desktop (due to ease or
> launching on client PC);
> - easy integration of offline processing (much of my code is data
> processing that is going on during data import, not web interactions;
> and that was a breeze to integrate old python code that worked for me
> into DAL etc., again everything uses DRY approach and same data model
> is used for data processing and for web);
> - rapid development (things like SQLTABLE, session object etc. make
> things working in one evening).
> As a result I see one possible killer app - an open source rival of
> AIR desktop app framework where you provide web2py/sqlite backend and
> maybe a wrapper application showing just webkit browser window in
> various platforms; this wrapper application could easily be a
> modification of  your Tcl launcher which now asks password and shows
> activity chart. So, a launcher of web2py that does not open a browser
> but displays webkit frame inside its window, already pointing to
> localhost:3000. Of course it would use Ajax instead of Flash for GUI
> richness.
> Example *
> AdvantageField(T('FAMILY_IN_REESTR'), 'double', default=0.0,
> adv_interlinks="find_close_f_in_reestr(NAME_F_TRANSLIT)",
>                       adv_hist=True, adv_impact=True,
>                       graph_level=0.6,
>                       fuzzy_centers="0.0 0.5 1.0",
>                       fuzzy_sigmas="0.3 0.3 0.3")
> this single line is a subclass of SQLField, goes into db.define_table
> and additionally sets up international label for the field, various
> math parameters and calls function for data preprocessing during data
> import from CSV.
> On Mar 16, 10:09 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > Both you and Joe make good points.
> > I think KPAX once integrated with T3 can be a killer app.
> > What else? looking for ideas?
> > Massimo
> > On Mar 16, 1:55 pm, Jeffield <jeff.sheffi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > just my 0.2
> > > write some killer apps, fans will follow.
> > > -- note, I have not written any, but I am trying ;)
> > > Thanks,
> > > Jeff
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