I hope I can say the below with the hope of raising some healthy
discussions rather than hurting anyone (which is not my intention)
1) web2py should be hosted on its own (like web2py.org / web2py.com or
something like that). Current URL gives a 'first impression' that it
is a college project
2) open documentation. the price of book at lulu is not expensive.
actually the price is not the matter at all. Most of the folks are
'window shoppers' and they expect if they can get to do things fast
and if they can, they stay with the framework or else they move out.
And books become outdated in such young developing projects
3) as Massimo says, he seems to be the lone voice. That isn't a good
thing. Probably a youtube / twitter / linkedin / myspace / facebook /
irc community should grow around web2py. If a tool can be developed
which can sync these conversations (from all the community) into a
single place, that will form a great place of information
4) documentation & tools / applications development seems to be
divided - T2, T3 / AlterEgo, Wiki etc. Having a concentrated
(preferably team) effort on these two will bring out the power of
web2py and also convince 'onlookers' that web2py is a serious
5) some fun/cool blog posts / articles on web2py - like the cartoon on
the first page.

On the positive side, I see a lot of tweets abt web2py.

(I'm impressed by Massimo's claim to compete with IBM. Wow! grand
vision; now we need to just go and 'kick ass'!)

On Mar 17, 9:14 am, Jason Brower <encomp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree... THAT is what we need.  Cool apps and a clean plugin
> framework. (And a better homepage. :P)
> Regards,
> Jason
> On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 11:55 -0700, Jeffield wrote:
> > just my 0.2
> > write some killer apps, fans will follow.
> > -- note, I have not written any, but I am trying ;)
> > Thanks,
> > Jeff
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