On Mar 17, 11:14 am, Joseph Jude <ceph...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) web2py should be hosted on its own (like web2py.org / web2py.com or
> something like that). Current URL gives a 'first impression' that it
> is a college project


> 2) open documentation. the price of book at lulu is not expensive.
> actually the price is not the matter at all. Most of the folks are
> 'window shoppers' and they expect if they can get to do things fast
> and if they can, they stay with the framework or else they move out.
> And books become outdated in such young developing projects

See 4

> 3) as Massimo says, he seems to be the lone voice. That isn't a good
> thing. Probably a youtube / twitter / linkedin / myspace / facebook /
> irc community should grow around web2py. If a tool can be developed
> which can sync these conversations (from all the community) into a
> single place, that will form a great place of information

IRC community is growing - come join us :)

> 4) documentation & tools / applications development seems to be
> divided - T2, T3 / AlterEgo, Wiki etc. Having a concentrated
> (preferably team) effort on these two will bring out the power of
> web2py and also convince 'onlookers' that web2py is a serious
> framework

Agreed - 1 central place will help a lot here.
The active place for that is the new Wiki:

Dive in & help out :)

> 5) some fun/cool blog posts / articles on web2py - like the cartoon on
> the first page.

Go for it :)

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