No need to apologize: probably I had to explain myself better what I meant 
as "bulky". 
As for execute/test functions if those are the ones serving a webpage, I'd 
say go directly to the app/controller/function with your browser. 
I normally have 4/5 functions I work on simultaneously and it's not hard to 
switch to the browser from the preferred editor. 
The only thing appealing into admin (leaving the part of "I don't need to 
have an external editor to work with web2py") is having the table 
definitions called after the models and the function links ready-to-click 
next to the controllers.

The web IDE is a nice piece of app, but I think it was not meant to handle 
without hiccups 120 controllers. When I say "hiccups" what I mean is that 
it probably spends little time to gather info about the app and more time 
to send back the html page to the user (that is, it probably doesn't take 
much to render the structure, but it takes a while indeed sending over the 
wire 800KB of page). If you work a lot with the admin app and a large app, 
700ms to transfer 800KB starts to weight on your time, hence the "hiccup".

The admin app could probably benefit to load things in components only 
"on-demand". (thinking about languages, static_files, welcome without those 
is ~80KB lighter).
Modules probably could benefit from a separate loading (they are not parsed 
as controllers and models, so there's little sense to load them together 
with the page)
For apps with lots of modules this could shape the loading times even more.
>From there on, it's a matter on what do you reaaally need ready-to-use in 
the admin app main page. (listing all models? seeing what table is defined 
in what model?, seeing all functions names in different controllers? being 
able to click on the link that leads to a function? search through all the 
code for a word?)


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