I've tried Sqlite database browser. Same results.. but still it's strange,
records are really there

On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 5:22 PM, Niphlod <niph...@gmail.com> wrote:

> did you try with some app that has sqlite support such as sqliteman or the
> sqlite3 command line ? I hardly doubt that if sqlite3 commandline can't
> fetch your records, what you're seeing with VIM is your actual records....
> Il giorno mercoledì 19 dicembre 2012 16:12:31 UTC+1, Aurelijus Useckas ha
> scritto:
>> Thanks Niphlod for supporting me on this one.
>> The problem is that appadmin doesn't see any records but if I'm accessing
>> the same storage.sqlite db with VIM or even word processor, I can still see
>> all the data in there, it's just that something doesn't allow appadmin or
>> sqlite viewer to see it.. I wonder why and what possibly could be done..
>> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 5:09 PM, Niphlod <nip...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> do you see them in appadmin ? if yes, then it's a no-issue: the data is
>>> there but I'm not sure what are you pointing to saying "*all my data
>>> (from other table views) disapears*" .
>>> If it's not there in appadmin but you see the records on sqlite with
>>> some other tool, than you're app is using a different database than the one
>>> you're examining with the external tool. Appadmin lets you see all the
>>> records for all your defined tables, without filters.
>>> Il giorno mercoledì 19 dicembre 2012 14:55:14 UTC+1, Aurelijus Useckas
>>> ha scritto:
>>>> but I can see the records inside the storage.sqlite file, so they must
>>>> be accessible somehow
>>>> On Wednesday, December 19, 2012 3:51:37 PM UTC+2, Niphlod wrote:
>>>>> I said *messed up* just to use part of your sentence.
>>>>> With referenced table, if you used the default ondelete attribute of
>>>>> the field, every "child" record gets deleted as soon as the "parent" is
>>>>> deleted.
>>>>> You can't fetch the data drom sqlite, it's definitely gone. For goods.
>>>>> The fact that the sqlite file is still "large" is because by default
>>>>> SQLite doesn't "release" the space: it keeps it for future records.
>>>>> On Wednesday, December 19, 2012 2:38:32 PM UTC+1, Aurelijus Useckas
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> is there any way to extract data from sqlite? The file is still full
>>>>>> of data...
>>>>>> I don't understand, if you delete somthing that is linked, everything
>>>>>> messes up?
>>>>>> On Wednesday, December 19, 2012 3:34:31 PM UTC+2, Niphlod wrote:
>>>>>>> definitely messed up. no way they will "return back". That's why
>>>>>>> referenced tables are for.
>>>>>>> Il giorno mercoledì 19 dicembre 2012 14:25:01 UTC+1, Aurelijus
>>>>>>> Useckas ha scritto:
>>>>>>>> i'm on SQLite
>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, December 19, 2012 3:21:27 PM UTC+2, Aurelijus Useckas
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I've deleted user information from auth_users and suddenly all my
>>>>>>>>> data (from other table views) disapears.. Yes, other tables are 
>>>>>>>>> linked to
>>>>>>>>> this one. Specifically for info on updates and simillar...
>>>>>>>>> If I restore the same data in auth_users other table still doesn't
>>>>>>>>> show anything... I event reset the autoincrement and make it appear 
>>>>>>>>> totally
>>>>>>>>> identical.. still nothing :(
>>>>>>>>> did i mess up??? :(
>>>>>>>>  --
>>  --


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