Holy Shit !

Just the kind of combination I was looking for !

I am so trying this at work next week...

10x a lot!

Couple of questions:
1. Can that be used on a vm-based ubuntu, say, on VirtualBox on win7 ?
2. Is it a 64bit flavour of ubuntu?
3. What python version is it using? 2.6/2.7? 32/64 bit?
4. What version/flavor of PostgresSQL is it insalling? 8.x/9.x? 32/64bit?

On Friday, December 28, 2012 12:17:12 PM UTC-8, Richard wrote:
> Hello,
> This is a new year gift for the one who would use Redmine beside web2py... 
> :)
> The script is largely base on new Niphold web2py nginx deployment script (
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!searchin/web2py/nginx$20niphold/web2py/15J3T35_K_w/v_t1099dIf4J
> ).
> I spend many hours write it, test it and debug Redmine, so I copyright it 
> and distribute it under CC without commercial use. 
> Executing it in a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 server you will get :
> - Latest Redmine stable (2.2.0 from http://rubyforge.org), 
> - Rails (3.2.9 from GEM)
> - Ruby (ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux]) (Ubuntu 
> ruby-dev package that should correspond to the latest stable Ruby)
> - working with Unicorn (latest stable from GEM), 
> - web2py (latest stable) 
> - uWSGI (I think latest stable), start in Emperor mode
> - Nginx (Ubuntu default)
> - PostgreSQL (Ubuntu default)
> - Redmine database will be installed in PostgreSQL
> - Self Signed SSL Certificat
> I try to make the script asking all the question at the beginning of the 
> installation process just after launch it, but there is a confirmation 
> asked during execution where you have to choose which language to use for 
> the Redmine default values. Just hit enter you will get English Redmine 
> default values.
> At the end of the execution, you should access your sever like this :
> http://IPADSRESS/
> # web2py Welcome should appear
> http://IPADSRESS/redmine
> # Redmine!
> Please report issue, submit improvement or post any comment here, and I 
> will be glad to improve the script.
> Happy new year to all!
> Richard


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