10x for the info.
Is there any benefit for using the server vs. the desktop flavor?

About pgAdmin, I don't really understand what you mean.
We have been using posgreSQL with web2py in production for almost 3 years
now. Using phpPgAdmin on our production was never an option - always a
necessity. Maybe it's becuse we are using an outdated version of web2py,
but from our experience, the DAL isn't perfect - there are many advanced
features of PostgreSQL that are not supported (I can give you a list of
those), so we HAVE to use some kind of interface to further customize our
schema outside of web2py. I don't really see how we can do this in a dev
machine and not need to do the same for the prod. machine. If they share a
database, then the database is on the prod. machine - and we need phpPgAdmin.
If each of them have a separate machine, then we need 2 phpPgAdmins one on
each machine. As far as I know, you can't have your database installed
inone machine, and have your
phpPgAdmin hosted on another - in its configuration file, you have to
specify the local path of the pg_dump.exe and stuff like that it needs for
it's operation. And again, we need it's operation for unsupported feattures of
postgreSQL in web2py.
As for PgAdmin-III, well, we basically only use if when transferring our
database + schema as an SQL string, from one machine to another. Somehow
the same thing using phpPgAdmin doesn't take us the whole way the same way
PgAdmin-III does when doing that.
If we were starting a new project, I could have agreed with you - we
wouldn't need phpPgAdmin AND PgAdmin-III. But since we already have a
database somewhere else (meaning, outside the virtual machine I just
installed thanks to you), we need PgAdmin-III for the database transferring.
 And since the installation of it in ubuntu is extremely simple, and having
our solution installing a default ubuntu installation of postgreSQL, I
would have expected the installation of PgAdmin-II to have automatically
identified the postgreSQL service/process that is running - but when I
launch it, and try to "connect", it apparently doesn't find it properly. I
can't seem to be able to connect to the postgreSQL service with it. I don't
see any redmine database I can connect to. I think we are confusing the
database node, with the connection-string/setting for PgAdmin to find the

Any thought?

And any pointers you could give me for trying to install phpPgAdmin?
I was able to locate where web2py is and where redmine is. But where is
nginx? How do I further configure it for php ? Any configuration file I
should know aboout?

And what about web2py?
Is it connected to postgreSQL?
I guess not, because it's just the welcome application, that uses sqlite by
default, right?
I guess if I can connect to postgreSQL with PgAdmin, I will have found the
specification I need to use in the connection string in web2py for our
application (we currently use the default settings for postgreSQL connection
and it works)

I was able to install everything smoothly on ubuntu 12.04 desktop x64 with
virtual box on windows 7 x64. Web2py and redmine are loading successfully
locally with firefox. But how do I access them elsewhere on our intranet?
I tries "ifcondif" in the reminal, and got a ip adress... That's
not usefull, I guess... I'll admit I am a nube at linux and virtual
machinesstuff... Would appreciate any pointers you could give me...

On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Richard Vézina <
ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Arnon,
> I test it with 12.04 server 64 bit under VirtualBox with windows 7 64 bit
> as guest and it works fine. It surely work under ubuntu desktop, but not
> tested. The purpose of the script is to deploy rapidly a new prod/stage
> server with basic configuration that you can tweaks for your needs later.
> Since you don't really require Nginx for develppment it make no sens to
> install pgAdmin on the staging/prod server, you generally install it on
> your dev system. You can install phpPGAdmin if you want, but when I try it
> (very longtime ago, may have change) it was not the same quality of
> phpmyadmin, just for you to know that. I let you find your way to install
> it (google...).
> Default postgres database name is redmine and user name for redemine is
> redmine and the password is the one you enter when the script ask for it.
> You can, try it with 12.10, but I prefer 12.04 since it LTS and I don't
> want to setup new environnement in less than a year.
> Richard
> On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Richard Vézina <
> ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I will be glad, if you want to...
>> :)
>> Richard
>> On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 11:12 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
>> massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Would you suggest we include it in web2py/scripts/?
>>> On Friday, 28 December 2012 14:17:12 UTC-6, Richard wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> This is a new year gift for the one who would use Redmine beside
>>>> web2py...
>>>> :)
>>>> The script is largely base on new Niphold web2py nginx deployment
>>>> script (https://groups.google.com/**forum/?fromgroups=#!searchin/**
>>>> web2py/nginx$20niphold/web2py/**15J3T35_K_w/v_t1099dIf4J<https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!searchin/web2py/nginx$20niphold/web2py/15J3T35_K_w/v_t1099dIf4J>
>>>> ).
>>>> I spend many hours write it, test it and debug Redmine, so I copyright
>>>> it and distribute it under CC without commercial use.
>>>> Executing it in a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 server you will get :
>>>> - Latest Redmine stable (2.2.0 from http://rubyforge.org),
>>>> - Rails (3.2.9 from GEM)
>>>> - Ruby (ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux])
>>>> (Ubuntu ruby-dev package that should correspond to the latest stable Ruby)
>>>> - working with Unicorn (latest stable from GEM),
>>>> - web2py (latest stable)
>>>> - uWSGI (I think latest stable), start in Emperor mode
>>>> - Nginx (Ubuntu default)
>>>> - PostgreSQL (Ubuntu default)
>>>> - Redmine database will be installed in PostgreSQL
>>>> - Self Signed SSL Certificat
>>>> I try to make the script asking all the question at the beginning of
>>>> the installation process just after launch it, but there is a confirmation
>>>> asked during execution where you have to choose which language to use for
>>>> the Redmine default values. Just hit enter you will get English Redmine
>>>> default values.
>>>> At the end of the execution, you should access your sever like this :
>>>> http://IPADSRESS/
>>>> # web2py Welcome should appear
>>>> http://IPADSRESS/redmine
>>>> # Redmine!
>>>> Please report issue, submit improvement or post any comment here, and I
>>>> will be glad to improve the script.
>>>> Happy new year to all!
>>>> Richard
>>>  --
>  --


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