
I test it with 12.04 server 64 bit under VirtualBox with windows 7 64 bit
as guest and it works fine. It surely work under ubuntu desktop, but not
tested. The purpose of the script is to deploy rapidly a new prod/stage
server with basic configuration that you can tweaks for your needs later.
Since you don't really require Nginx for develppment it make no sens to
install pgAdmin on the staging/prod server, you generally install it on
your dev system. You can install phpPGAdmin if you want, but when I try it
(very longtime ago, may have change) it was not the same quality of
phpmyadmin, just for you to know that. I let you find your way to install
it (google...).

Default postgres database name is redmine and user name for redemine is
redmine and the password is the one you enter when the script ask for it.

You can, try it with 12.10, but I prefer 12.04 since it LTS and I don't
want to setup new environnement in less than a year.


On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Richard Vézina <
> wrote:

> I will be glad, if you want to...
> :)
> Richard
> On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 11:12 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
>> wrote:
>> Would you suggest we include it in web2py/scripts/?
>> On Friday, 28 December 2012 14:17:12 UTC-6, Richard wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> This is a new year gift for the one who would use Redmine beside
>>> web2py...
>>> :)
>>> The script is largely base on new Niphold web2py nginx deployment script
>>> (**forum/?fromgroups=#!searchin/**
>>> web2py/nginx$20niphold/web2py/**15J3T35_K_w/v_t1099dIf4J<!searchin/web2py/nginx$20niphold/web2py/15J3T35_K_w/v_t1099dIf4J>
>>> ).
>>> I spend many hours write it, test it and debug Redmine, so I copyright
>>> it and distribute it under CC without commercial use.
>>> Executing it in a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 server you will get :
>>> - Latest Redmine stable (2.2.0 from,
>>> - Rails (3.2.9 from GEM)
>>> - Ruby (ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux]) (Ubuntu
>>> ruby-dev package that should correspond to the latest stable Ruby)
>>> - working with Unicorn (latest stable from GEM),
>>> - web2py (latest stable)
>>> - uWSGI (I think latest stable), start in Emperor mode
>>> - Nginx (Ubuntu default)
>>> - PostgreSQL (Ubuntu default)
>>> - Redmine database will be installed in PostgreSQL
>>> - Self Signed SSL Certificat
>>> I try to make the script asking all the question at the beginning of the
>>> installation process just after launch it, but there is a confirmation
>>> asked during execution where you have to choose which language to use for
>>> the Redmine default values. Just hit enter you will get English Redmine
>>> default values.
>>> At the end of the execution, you should access your sever like this :
>>> http://IPADSRESS/
>>> # web2py Welcome should appear
>>> http://IPADSRESS/redmine
>>> # Redmine!
>>> Please report issue, submit improvement or post any comment here, and I
>>> will be glad to improve the script.
>>> Happy new year to all!
>>> Richard
>>  --


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