Is it not possible launch a Celery worker that has access to the web2py 
environment? This is possible for custom schedulers with commands such as 
the following -- why would it not be available to Celery workers?

python -S appName -M -R

On Tuesday, March 12, 2013 10:17:47 AM UTC-7, Eric S wrote:
> I'm interested in a robust, widely-adopted scheduler. The current web2py 
> Scheduler is clearly changing very rapidly, which is great, for now I want 
> a scheduler that is mature.
> Can anyone answer my original question -- how have you gotten Celery 
> workers to run with web2py?
> On Thursday, March 7, 2013 9:47:25 AM UTC-8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> What I want to know is what do you think celery buys you that the 
>> built-in scheduler does not provide?
>> Celery is faster at transferring messages from the application t the 
>> workers and vice versa but normally when you want to run background tasks 
>> you have different bottle-necks: computation cycles of background tasks and 
>> database access from the tasks. In this respect I do not see celery being 
>> any better than the built-in scheduler. Actually the built-in scheduler 
>> makes your life easier by exposing the web2py environment to workers which 
>> is something celery would not be able to do.
>> On Wednesday, 6 March 2013 21:11:59 UTC-6, rochacbruno wrote:
>>> I also would like to see Celery, Solr, Elastic Search and other 
>>> fantastic tools working with web2py!
>>> I think this is an important issue and I am sure it is completely easy 
>>> and possible to make it.
>>> I personally do not like to use the built-in scheduler, so I am using 
>>> python-rq (Redis Queue) for some production sites and it works very well 
>>> and offer almost all celery functionalities.
>>> Maybe someone can follow my python-rq[1] example and create a 
>>> wen2py-celery tutorial 
>>> [1]  
>>> I dont think web2py needs to always reinvent the wheel so I would like 
>>> to see more integrations.
>>> wish list:
>>> Whoosh (WIP)
>>> Solr (maybe a haystack clone for web2py)
>>> ElasticSearch
>>> Celery
>>> Thumbor
>>> Neo4J
>>> On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 10:47 PM, Eric S <> wrote:
>>>> I would like to use Celery in my web2py application, but I'm having 
>>>> trouble with how to start a Celery worker (I know there is a web2py 
>>>> scheduler but I would like to use Celery).
>>>> To start a custom scheduler in web2py I would use:
>>>> python -S appName -M -R
>>>> Celery workers, however, are launched from the command line such as 
>>>> with the following command, which won't easily substitute into '' 
>>>> above:
>>>> celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info
>>>> Has anyone had success integrating web2py and Celery? How do you 
>>>> (robustly) get around this problem?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Eric
>>>> -- 
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