First a little background...

I am in the process of researching and evaluating 
async/concurrency solutions for my company's web-servers.

Here is the state-of-the-art of concurrency in python:
* An awesome 45min lightning talk about the internals of the GIL and it's 
effects on threading.
It's not pretty...

Then there's the evolution of asynchronous frameworks:
* A superb walk-through around the history of evolving approaches of usage 
of generators for async.
We're still not there yet...

And so we now have a proliferation of inconsistent approaches to doing 
non-blocking IO in Python...
What to do?

Our benevolent dictator to the rescue:
* The creator of Python himself, has been working on a solution, code-named 
An answer to all our problems... :)

The bad news?
It's not done yet... Slated for Python 3.4 due in feb.2014...

The good news?
It can be used as a library for Python 3.3!
* Also, work is being done to shim it in Python 2.7 via existing event-lopp 
frameworks as polyfills...

So, I am suggesting this be taken seriously as a research-project for 
future developments of web3py.


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