Yes, I have actually suggested this myself.
SQLA is layered, so it has it's ORM layer built on-top. It very well may be a 
viable option.

However, it is not entierly clear how complex it could be, since the SQLA core 
is heavilly integrated into the ORM layer.

Now, since it is all ope-source code, another option would be to try to extract 
code-chunks out of it, and reintegrate it with web2py.
That way, there may be more freedom in defining the points of intersection, as 
well as th overall API that would be exposed to the developer.

A for why it would be beneficial, I tried many approaches of explaining that, 
but it starting to be clear to me that a lot of people here have extensive 
experience in bare-SQL, so you are so used to this mined-set that it is 
difficult for you to get out of it.

It feals akin to people that have extensive experience with managed-code, that 
they are so used to doing mallocs, that after they discover some API that 
simplifies their usual manual memomry-management skills, that they can't fathom 
the benefits of having a memory-manager - it is difficult for them to trust if 
to be efficient enough. Or another example would be static-vs-dynamic 
languages. It is the tradeoff between software-performance, and 
software-developement speed and ease.

What can I say, an ORM may not be for everyone...
That said, there have been many such threads in this group over the years, so 
alought it seems in this thread that I am the only advocate of this aaproach, I 
know for a fact that it is not the case (at least it not has been the case).
So, either the other proponents of this approach, are keeping silent this time 
around, or they have left web2py behind and moved to another framework, once 
they saw it isn't gonna happen here.
The third option would be that they have been 'converted' to the DAL's way of 
thinking. The reason this option is highly unlikely, is that if that were the 
case, I would have gotten plenty comments here already, in the form of "... I 
used to be a proponent of ORM myself, and here is why I converted...".
I have not gotten a single response like that as of yet...


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