I like this summary, outline... thanks.
On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 7:20 AM, desfrenes <desfre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Both Django and Web2Py are in a niche, I mean if your main concern was
> really long-term support and diffusion you would probably use one of
> the main php frameworks anyway.
> As for the choice between Django and Web2py, like others I first tried
> Django but I found that it's main killer-feature (the admin) was not
> that usefull except for CMS-type application for trusted users. In any
> other areas, I found web2py much easier for day-to-day use:
> - no bloody limited template syntax,just plain python. Why learn
> another language, what's the point? I know: "separation of concerns",
> "non-programmer template designer", blah blah... f*** it :-P
> - really easy way to distribute applications (click and your app is
> packed !)
> - automatic migrations ! a real time-saver.
> - less code to write and less code to remember (you don't have to
> import basic framework stuff)
> - nice exception handling/ticketing system
> - great way to create web services (as I discovered last week)
> - default routes: I really hated the fact that in Django you have to
> define your routes.
> - "portable", in a sense that it is also very easy to install a full
> development stack (well... install... just unzip). Very nice to get
> your collegues up and running in a minute
> - very nice interface for internationalization.
> and dozens of other little things that really make your everyday tasks
> just easier, that's more important than a temporary "wow!" effect.
> "Consider this: practically every school/college/university in
> the country has switched to Python in their intro sequence programming
> courses within the last 3 years. "
> From what I see here in France, most web development courses are still
> php/java oriented. That's many people to convert but conversion is
> easy ^_^
> On May 13, 10:47 am, Timmie <timmichel...@gmx-topmail.de> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > > present project (webgis field). So probably you'll see me very active
> >
> > good that you wrote about your area.
> >
> > Below you can see some posts/threads and links regarding the current
> > web2py GIS/mapping capabilities.
> > -> Fran & I have successfuly operated openlayers but still have
> > problems fetching external data like KML or GeoRSS
> > -> google-maps was integrated in the pycon site
> >
> > General capabilites are there.
> > If you read the post below you can see that there are two schools:
> > Integrate other tools under the hood of the framework (current web2py
> > and turbogears) or build comple sptial prcessing capabilities in teh
> > framework (geodjango).
> >
> > To my opinion, a _web_ framework should focus on web presentation and
> > rely on special tools that are made by professionals on their field
> > for other tasks.
> > E.g. GRASS GIS can run on a server and is high level. There are
> > examples how to use it.
> > Further processing is provided by other tools like gispython, mapfish
> > etc.
> > This community is well focused on delivering efficient webapp
> > programming.
> > Others have excellent GIS support.
> >
> > Please post your ideas.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Timmie
> >
> > ###
> > Links:https://launchpad.net/web2py-geo
> >
> > Posts:
> > * web2py team & Geo/GIS project created at Launchpad:
> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/87d1b119fc...
> > * javascript proxy issue:
> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/c59e315074...
> > * using web2py for Geo / GIS stuff:
> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/bb9a65eb7d...
> > * Non-relational databases:
> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/msg/4f281e7cd6fafcf0
> >

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