I took the shipping code that I ran in Flask (without Apache) and adapted 
it to run under Apache as a Flask app. That way, I'm comparing apples to 
apples. I'm comparing the performance of the shipping code between Flask 
and web2py.

Below, I've included the 'default' file from Apache2/sites-available for 

Basically, the code in Flask executes 10x faster than the same code in 
web2py. So my question is:  if Apache is at fault for the web2py app's slow 
performance, why doesn't Apache hurt the Flask app's performance? (This 
doesn't seem to be related to GIL or WSGI.)

<VirtualHost *:80>
  WSGIDaemonProcess hello user=www-data group=www-data threads=5
  WSGIScriptAlias / /home/richard/welcome/hello.wsgi

  <Directory /home/richard/welcome>
    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from all

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430x300x200 430x300x200 400x370x330 390x285x140 585x285x200
430x300x200 400x370x330 553x261x152 290x210x160 390x285x140

Attachment: debug.out
Description: Binary data

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

import time
import sys
import os
debug_path = '/home/richard/welcome/debug.out'
def debug(str):
    f = open(debug_path,'a')

# pyShipping 1.8a
import time
import random
from shippackage import Package

def packstrip(bin, p):
    """Creates a Strip which fits into bin.

    Returns the Packages to be used in the strip, the dimensions of the strip as a 3-tuple
    and a list of "left over" packages.
    # This code is somewhat optimized and somewhat unreadable
    s = []                # strip
    r = []                # rest
    ss = sw = sl = 0      # stripsize
    bs = bin.heigth       # binsize
    sapp = s.append       # speedup
    rapp = r.append       # speedup
    ppop = p.pop          # speedup
    while p and (ss <= bs):
        n = ppop(0)
        nh, nw, nl = n.size
        if ss + nh <= bs:
            ss += nh
            if nw > sw:
                sw = nw
            if nl > sl:
                sl = nl
    return s, (ss, sw, sl), r + p

def packlayer(bin, packages):
    strips = []
    layersize = 0
    layerx = 0
    layery = 0
    binsize = bin.width
    while packages:
        strip, (sizex, stripsize, sizez), rest = packstrip(bin, packages)
        if layersize + stripsize <= binsize:
            if not strip:
                # we were not able to pack anything
            layersize += stripsize
            layerx = max([sizex, layerx])
            layery = max([sizez, layery])
            packages = rest
            # Next Layer please
            packages = strip + rest
    return strips, (layerx, layersize, layery), packages

def packbin(bin, packages):
    layers = []
    contentheigth = 0
    contentx = 0
    contenty = 0
    binsize = bin.length
    while packages:
        layer, (sizex, sizey, layersize), rest = packlayer(bin, packages)
        if contentheigth + layersize <= binsize:
            if not layer:
                # we were not able to pack anything
            contentheigth += layersize
            contentx = max([contentx, sizex])
            contenty = max([contenty, sizey])
            packages = rest
            # Next Bin please
            packages = layer + rest
    return layers, (contentx, contenty, contentheigth), packages

def packit(bin, originalpackages):
    packedbins = []
    packages = sorted(originalpackages)
    while packages:
        packagesinbin, (binx, biny, binz), rest = packbin(bin, packages)
        if not packagesinbin:
            # we were not able to pack anything
        packages = rest
    # we now have a result, try to get a better result by rotating some bins

    return packedbins, rest

# In newer Python versions these van be imported:
# from itertools import permutations
def product(*args, **kwds):
    # product('ABCD', 'xy') --> Ax Ay Bx By Cx Cy Dx Dy
    # product(range(2), repeat=3) --> 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
    pools = map(tuple, args) * kwds.get('repeat', 1)
    result = [[]]
    for pool in pools:
        result = [x + [y] for x in result for y in pool]
    for prod in result:
        yield tuple(prod)

def permutations(iterable, r=None):
    pool = tuple(iterable)
    n = len(pool)
    r = n if r is None else r
    for indices in product(range(n), repeat=r):
        if len(set(indices)) == r:
            yield tuple(pool[i] for i in indices)

class Timeout(Exception):

def allpermutations_helper(permuted, todo, maxcounter, callback, bin, bestpack, counter):
    if not todo:
        return counter + callback(bin, permuted, bestpack)
        others = todo[1:]
        thispackage = todo[0]
        for dimensions in set(permutations((thispackage[0], thispackage[1], thispackage[2]))):
            thispackage = Package(dimensions, nosort=True)
            if thispackage in bin:
                counter = allpermutations_helper(permuted + [thispackage], others, maxcounter, callback,
                                                 bin, bestpack, counter)
            if counter > maxcounter:
                raise Timeout('more than %d iterations tries' % counter)
        return counter

def trypack(bin, packages, bestpack):
    bins, rest = packit(bin, packages)
    if len(bins) < bestpack['bincount']:
        bestpack['bincount'] = len(bins)
        bestpack['bins'] = bins
        bestpack['rest'] = rest
    if bestpack['bincount'] < 2:
        raise Timeout('optimal solution found')
    return len(packages)

def allpermutations(todo, bin, iterlimit=5000):
    bestpack = dict(bincount=len(todo) + 1)
    start = time.time()
        # First try unpermuted
        trypack(bin, todo, bestpack)
        # now try permutations
        allpermutations_helper([], todo, iterlimit, trypack, bin, bestpack, 0)
    except Timeout:
    debug('Elapsed time: '+str(time.time() - start))
    return bestpack['bins'], bestpack['rest']

def binpack(packages, bin=None, iterlimit=5000):
    """Packs a list of Package() objects into a number of equal-sized bins.

    Returns a list of bins listing the packages within the bins and a list of packages which can't be
    packed because they are to big."""
    if not bin:
        bin = Package("600x400x400")
    return allpermutations(packages, bin, iterlimit)

def test():
    test_path = '/home/richard/welcome/testdata.txt'
    fd = open(test_path)
    vorher = 0
    nachher = 0
    for line in fd:
        packages = [Package(pack) for pack in line.strip().split()]
        if not packages:
        bins, rest = binpack(packages)
        if rest:
            debug("invalid data")
            vorher += len(packages)
            nachher += len(bins)
    debug('Percentage fill: '+str(float(nachher) / vorher * 100))

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Attachment: hello.wsgi
Description: Binary data

# encoding: utf-8
package.py - shipping/cargo related calculations based on a unit of shipping (box, crate, package)

Created by Maximillian Dornseif on 2006-12-02.
Copyright HUDORA GmbH 2006, 2007, 2010
You might consider this BSD-Licensed.

import doctest
import unittest
import os
debug_path = '/home/www-data/web2py/applications/HorridoHobbies/static/debug.out'
def debug(str):
    f = open(debug_path,'a')

class Package(object):
    """Represents a package as used in cargo/shipping aplications."""

    def __init__(self, size, weight=0, nosort=False):
        """Generates a new Package object.

        The size can be given as an list of integers or an string where the sizes are determined by the letter 'x':
        >>> Package((300, 400, 500))
        <Package 500x400x300>
        >>> Package('300x400x500')
        <Package 500x400x300>
        #debug("RKE:initialize Package")
        self.weight = weight
        if "x" in size:
            self.heigth, self.width, self.length = [int(x) for x in size.split('x')]
            self.heigth, self.width, self.length = size
        #debug("RKE: "+str(self.heigth)+" "+str(self.width)+" "+str(self.length))
        if not nosort:
            (self.heigth, self.width, self.length) = sorted((int(self.heigth), int(self.width),
                                                             int(self.length)), reverse=True)
        self.volume = self.heigth * self.width * self.length
        self.size = (self.heigth, self.width, self.length)

    def _get_gurtmass(self):
        """'gurtamss' is the circumference of the box plus the length - which is often used to
            calculate shipping costs.

            >>> Package((100,110,120)).gurtmass

        dimensions = (self.heigth, self.width, self.length)
        maxdimension = max(dimensions)
        otherdimensions = list(dimensions)
        del otherdimensions[otherdimensions.index(maxdimension)]
        return maxdimension + 2 * (sum(otherdimensions))
    gurtmass = property(_get_gurtmass)

    def hat_gleiche_seiten(self, other):
        """Pr?ft, ob other mindestens eine gleich grosse Seite mit self hat."""

        meineseiten = set([(self.heigth, self.width), (self.heigth, self.length), (self.width, self.length)])
        otherseiten = set([(other.heigth, other.width), (other.heigth, other.length),
                           (other.width, other.length)])
        return bool(meineseiten.intersection(otherseiten))

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """The coordinates can be accessed as if the object is a tuple.
        >>> p = Package((500, 400, 300))
        >>> p[0]
        if key == 0:
            return self.heigth
        if key == 1:
            return self.width
        if key == 2:
            return self.length
        if isinstance(key, tuple):
            return (self.heigth, self.width, self.length)[key[0]:key[1]]
        if isinstance(key, slice):
            return (self.heigth, self.width, self.length)[key]
        raise IndexError

    def __contains__(self, other):
        """Checks if on package fits within an other.

        >>> Package((1600, 250, 480)) in Package((1600, 250, 480))
        >>> Package((1600, 252, 480)) in Package((1600, 250, 480))
        return self[0] >= other[0] and self[1] >= other[1] and self[2] >= other[2]

    def __hash__(self):
        return self.heigth + (self.width << 16) + (self.length << 32)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Package objects are equal if they have exactly the same dimensions.

           Permutations of the dimensions are considered equal:

           >>> Package((100,110,120)) == Package((100,110,120))
           >>> Package((120,110,100)) == Package((100,110,120))
        return (self.heigth == other.heigth and self.width == other.width and self.length == other.length)

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        """Enables to sort by Volume."""
        return cmp(self.volume, other.volume)

    def __mul__(self, multiplicand):
        """Package can be multiplied with an integer. This results in the Package beeing
           stacked along the biggest side.

           >>> Package((400,300,600)) * 2
           <Package 600x600x400>
        return Package((self.heigth, self.width, self.length * multiplicand), self.weight * multiplicand)

    def __add__(self, other):
            >>> Package((1600, 250, 480)) + Package((1600, 470, 480))
            <Package 1600x720x480>
            >>> Package((1600, 250, 480)) + Package((1600, 480, 480))
            <Package 1600x730x480>
            >>> Package((1600, 250, 480)) + Package((1600, 490, 480))
            <Package 1600x740x480>
        meineseiten = set([(self.heigth, self.width), (self.heigth, self.length),
                           (self.width, self.length)])
        otherseiten = set([(other.heigth, other.width), (other.heigth, other.length),
                           (other.width, other.length)])
        if not meineseiten.intersection(otherseiten):
            raise ValueError("%s has no fitting sites to %s" % (self, other))
        candidates = sorted(meineseiten.intersection(otherseiten), reverse=True)
        stack_on = candidates[0]
        mysides = [self.heigth, self.width, self.length]
        othersides = [other.heigth, other.width, other.length]
        return Package((stack_on[0], stack_on[1], mysides[0] + othersides[0]), self.weight + other.weight)

    def __str__(self):
        if self.weight:
            return "%dx%dx%d %dg" % (self.heigth, self.width, self.length, self.weight)
            return "%dx%dx%d" % (self.heigth, self.width, self.length)

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.weight:
            return "<Package %dx%dx%d %d>" % (self.heigth, self.width, self.length, self.weight)
            return "<Package %dx%dx%d>" % (self.heigth, self.width, self.length)

def buendelung(kartons, maxweight=31000, maxgurtmass=3000):
    """Versucht Pakete so zu b?ndeln, so dass das Gurtmass nicht ?berschritten wird.

    Gibt die geb?ndelten Pakete und die nicht b?ndelbaren Pakete zur?ck.

    >>> buendelung([Package((800, 310, 250)), Package((800, 310, 250)), Package((800, 310, 250)), Package((800, 310, 250))])
    (1, [<Package 800x750x310>], [<Package 800x310x250>])
    >>> buendelung([Package((800, 310, 250)), Package((800, 310, 250)), Package((800, 310, 250)), Package((800, 310, 250)), Package((450, 290, 250)), Package((450, 290, 250))])
    (2, [<Package 800x750x310>, <Package 500x450x290>], [<Package 800x310x250>])

    if not kartons:
        return 0, [], kartons
    gebuendelt = []
    rest = []
    lastkarton = kartons.pop(0)
    buendel = False
    buendelcounter = 0
    kartons_im_buendel = 1
    while kartons:
        currentcarton = kartons.pop(0)
        # check if 2 dimensions fit
        if (currentcarton.hat_gleiche_seiten(lastkarton)
            and (lastkarton.weight + currentcarton.weight < maxweight)
            and ((lastkarton + currentcarton).gurtmass < maxgurtmass)
            and (kartons_im_buendel < MAXKARTOONSIMBUENDEL)):
            # new carton has the same size in two dimensions and the sum of both in the third
            # ok, we can bundle
            lastkarton = (lastkarton + currentcarton)
            kartons_im_buendel += 1
            if buendel is False:
                # neues B?ndel
                buendelcounter += 1
            buendel = True
            # different sizes, or too big
            if buendel:
            kartons_im_buendel = 1
            lastkarton = currentcarton
            buendel = False
    if buendel:
    return buendelcounter, gebuendelt, rest

def pack_in_bins(kartons, versandkarton):
    """Implements Bin-Packing.

    You provide it with a bin size and a list of Package Objects to be bined. Returns a list of lists
    representing the bins with the binned Packages and a list of Packages too big for binning.

    >>> pack_in_bins([Package('135x200x250'), Package('170x380x390'), Package('485x280x590'), Package('254x171x368'), Package('201x172x349'), Package('254x171x368')], \
    ([[<Package 250x200x135>, <Package 349x201x172>, <Package 368x254x171>], [<Package 368x254x171>, <Package 390x380x170>]], [<Package 590x485x280>])

    import pyshipping.binpack
    toobig, packagelist, bins, rest = [], [], [], []
    for box in sorted(kartons, reverse=True):
        if box not in versandkarton:
            # passt eh nicht
    if packagelist:
        bins, rest = pyshipping.binpack.binpack(packagelist, versandkarton)
    return bins, toobig + rest

### Tests
class PackageTests(unittest.TestCase):
    """Simple tests for Package objects."""

    def test_init(self):
        """Tests object initialisation with different constructors."""
        self.assertEqual(Package((100, 100, 200)), Package(('100', '200', '100')))
        self.assertEqual(Package((100.0, 200.0, 200.0)), Package('200x200x100'))

    def test_eq(self):
        """Tests __eq__() implementation."""
        self.assertEqual(Package((200, 100, 200)), Package(('200', '100', '200')))
        self.assertNotEqual(Package((200, 200, 100)), Package(('100', '100', '200')))

    def test_volume(self):
        """Tests volume calculation"""
        self.assertEqual(4000000, Package((100, 200, 200)).volume)
        self.assertEqual(8000, Package((20, 20, 20)).volume)

    def test_str(self):
        """Test __unicode__ implementation."""
        self.assertEqual('200x200x100', Package((100, 200, 200)).__str__())
        self.assertEqual('200x200x100', Package('100x200x200').__str__())

    def test_repr(self):
        """Test __repr__ implementation."""
        self.assertEqual('<Package 200x200x100 44>', Package((100, 200, 200), 44).__repr__())

    def test_gurtmass(self):
        """Test gurtmass calculation."""
        self.assertEqual(800, Package((100, 200, 200)).gurtmass)
        self.assertEqual(900, Package((100, 200, 300)).gurtmass)
        self.assertEqual(1000, Package((200, 200, 200)).gurtmass)
        self.assertEqual(3060, Package((1600, 250, 480)).gurtmass)

    def test_mul(self):
        """Test multiplication."""
        self.assertEqual(Package((200, 200, 200)), Package((100, 200, 200)) * 2)

    def test_sort(self):
        """Test multiplication."""
        data = [Package((1600, 490, 480)), Package((1600, 470, 480)), Package((1600, 480, 480))]
                         [Package((1600, 470, 480)), Package((1600, 480, 480)),
                          Package((1600, 490, 480))])

if __name__ == '__main__':

    factor = 0
    while True:
        factor += 1
        single = Package((750, 240, 220), 7400)
        multi = single * factor
        if multi.weight > 31000 or multi.gurtmass > 3000:
            multi = single * (factor - 1)
            #print factor - 1, multi, multi.gurtmass


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