On Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 1:58:19 PM UTC+1, Anthony wrote:
> Well, any time you upgrade the framework, you should always upgrade 
> web2py.js (no need to check whether it has changed -- just do it).
I guess, this is more-less what I need to do, but this is not perfect, as I 
have several applications that I maintain and updating all of them manually 
is not great. Also - is this the only file that should be updated in this 
way? I am not sure... What about web2py_ajax.html? appadmin.html? Others?

> This is a good point, though -- perhaps we should come up with a way to 
> ensure web2py.js is easily upgraded along with the rest of the framework. 
> For now, though, you could always link to the version of web2py.js that 
> comes with the "welcome" app, as that will always be upgraded with the 
> framework.
I will try the linking, but not sure how this will work with git throughout 
different filesystems and OSes... (I use Linux on some development systems 
and BSD on some production servers)... git should preserve the link, but...

Anyway - thanks for your help - it allowed me to pinpoint and fix the 
problem for now.


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